[net.general] Hackers Liberation Army

jpm@bnl.UUCP (John McNamee) (03/14/84)

The following is forwarded from CompuServe for the general
amusement of Usenet hackers...

 #: 18039      Sec. 0 - General Interest
Sb: HLA Membership opened
    12-Mar-84  21:56:17
Fm: Cruftware/jeffreyb   73105,532
To: all

*                  Official Membership Card                  *
*                          for the                           *
*                   Hackers Liberation Army                  *
*                                                            *
*   This card entitles the bearer to engage in a lifetime    *
*   of doing things that are impossible to do on a micro-    *
*   computer.                                                *
*                                                            *
*   I, the undersigned, do hereby pledge my services to the  *
*   betterment of mankind by working to free the world from  *
*   "user friendly" software that makes people "computer     *
*   literate" and promise to speak only in so-called         *
*   "computerese" whenever around "real" people. I also      *
*   pledge my help in making the world safe for a small      *
*   computer to grow up to be anything it wants to be,       *
*   without fear of being forced to run Lotus 1-2-3 or       *
*   d-Base II endlessly for mindless secretary-types who     *
*   work for even more mindless management-types.            *
*                                                            *
*   LONG LIVE __________________________________________ !   *
*            (insert favorite user-hostile language here)    *
*                                                            *
*   Signed _______________________________________________   *
*                                                            *
*   Dated this _______ day of _____________, 19_______       *
*                                                            *
*   If found in the hands of anyone whose actions would de-  *
*   fame the true meaning of "hacker", this card will auto-  *
*   matically throw itself into the nearest bit-bucket.      *