[comp.sys.amiga] caution on vulgar replies

bruce@zuhause.MN.ORG (Bruce Albrecht) (01/28/91)

>In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com> tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
>Just to let those who are new to the net know...
>It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
>and use vulgar langauge.
>I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
>post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
>me via a system at his school, and through a system
>at my company. 

[Text deleted]

It's a little hard to provide you with documentation, since you neither
identify the poster nor the university.  Even if you had, and I had 
documentation, I wouldn't give it to you, since I think a lawsuit is an
extreme, and wasteful response to this problem.  When I have encountered
such behavior over the net, I have forwarded the offending material to the
postmaster of the site.  I have rarely received a response from the system 
administrators other than an apology and assurance that the offending party
has either lost net access, or will do so if the problem continues.



tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) (01/28/91)

Just to let those who are new to the net know...

It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
and use vulgar langauge.

I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
me via a system at his school, and through a system
at my company. 

I don't know how many people know this. I have not use vulgar
language (F__, S__, etc) when posting because I have been
posting for many years and have learned by reading, but I was
astounded by the fact that so many lawsuits have been

Incidentally, the worst they do is remove the individual from the
school, with no criminal record.

I have learned a lot, but it has cost a lot. I found out that
freedom of speach works as long as you have purchases the
medium of broadcast of have aproval of the broadcast material 
form the broadcastee. (No so with the person I am suing according
to PacTel and his University)

This all started when I had accidentally posted to the wrong
group and I recieved a letter sent to me which contained
several vulgar statements, verbal abuse in a specific sense,
from a person in CA, who among other things promotes his
ego in his signature ("never heard of ____ University, than
you're stupid).

If you have had simular reactions from this person, please mail
evidence. I need only two more accounts concerning this individual
and I can remove him, according to the University.

Sorry to bore the rest of you.
Todd B. Aubin                        | uunet!hbiso!tba or tba@pws.bull.com
ISO Unix Marketing Support           | "Boring disclaimer:" The above views
Bull Information Systems, Inc.       | are mine and are not meant to reflect
Technology Park, Billerica, MA 01821 | the views of my employer.

lrg7030@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) (01/28/91)


Maybe instead of spending your time suing some punk, who swore and
didn't know any better, to get him thrown out of school, *you* should
learn to spell and write correct English.  Look at your post, the
English is atrocious.  I'm not sure which is worse, a young adult
using vulgar terms, or a person, who can't spell or write, suing 
him.  :-/

You should also be careful how you proceed as even *he* could
produce E-Mail from *you* that `proves' you did the same thing.
For all we know, you have some other reason for wanting to see him
get kicked out of school, and you have created nasty E-Mail from
him.  *Any* unix hacker worth his name could create forged E-Mail.
*Anyone* could put what looks like mail in a file and say it is
real and call foul.  UseNet mail is not legally binding for these

Look, I don't know either party in this matter, but it seems more
than just a bit childish.  I would suggest that no one help this guy.
Maybe we should all examine our own lives before attacking others.

Loren J. Rittle

PS to Todd, what is getting him thrown out of school going to do for
you besides, boast your ego?  Be the better man and teach him a
lesson that he will remember for some time, instead of hurting
him for the rest of his life.  I mean, what's your point?  Do you think
somehow that this guy, by using vulgar language directed at you
is worth your time and effort to get him thrown out of school?  If
so, I would suggest that you have too much time on your hands.  If
you claim that you are doing it for the principle of it, then I would
suggest you rethink the punishment you are about to inflict upon him
and ask yourself whether or not it fits the crime.  I think not.
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                   -Tom Denbo speaking about The VideoToaster by NewTek
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``Think about NewTek's VideoToaster!  Now think about the Amiga!''
Loren J. Rittle lrg7030@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu

jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (01/28/91)

You are suing someone because he cussed at you?  Are you that
much of a low-level sub-human being?  Be a man and simply
delete the message and let it roll off your
back.  Or are Mommy's apron strings wrapped tightly around
you?  Oh, and learn to SPELL.

What is the world coming to when people sue for being cussed
at?  Are you by any chance related to Hussein?  You are about
as retentive as he is...

(what a way to close out a dying newsgroup...)
John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305    (Florida)   \X/

bmacinty@mud.uwaterloo.ca (Blair MacIntyre) (01/28/91)

>>>>> On 28 Jan 91 08:30:15 GMT, jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad'
>>>>> Adams) said:

John> What is the world coming to when people sue for being cussed
John> at?  

Hey, that's the USofA, man!  Land of the free ... oh, damn, I just
bruised my finger!!!  Ouch!  Hey, it's your fault, I was following up to
you!  Sue Sue!  Where's my lawyers phone number ...
Blair MacIntyre, Computer Graphics Lab
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L3G1

pm0@jaialai.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) (01/29/91)

In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com> tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
>Just to let those who are new to the net know...
>It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
>and use vulgar langauge.
>I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
>post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
>me via a system at his school, and through a system
>at my company. 

So essentially, you are saying that a little show of immaturity is just cause
to ruin another person's life by getting him kicked out of school?  I just
don't see why you can't just take it all with a grain of salt.  If someone
is bothering you then just ignore them.  They will get tired sooner or later,
besides, what does it matter what anonymous guy in CA thinks of you?

I get sick of seeing the justice system filled up with these petty lawsuits.


jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (01/29/91)

In article <1991Jan28.144215.7586@watcgl.waterloo.edu> bmacinty@mud.uwaterloo.ca (Blair MacIntyre) writes:
>Hey, that's the USofA, man!  Land of the free ... oh, damn, I just
>bruised my finger!!!  Ouch!  Hey, it's your fault, I was following up to
>you!  Sue Sue!  Where's my lawyers phone number ...

Oh yeah?  Well, I'll call my lawyer too!  You just tried to send my

(Think we've shown Todd how much of a boob he is?)
John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305    (Florida)   \X/

new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) (01/29/91)

In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com> tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
>Just to let those who are new to the net know...
>It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
>and use vulgar langauge.

Hmmm...  I'm not new to the net, but I would sure like
to find out where it is documented that "vulgar" words
are not allowed to be emailed.  I'd also like to
find out exactly which words are "vulgar." It would
be especially interesting if such "vulgar" words
were available electronically. Think about it.

Cut us a break, Mr. Aubin.  Get a life. Grow up. All that stuff.
       -- Darren
--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---
----- Network Protocols, Graphics, Programming Languages, 
      Formal Description Techniques (esp. Estelle), Coffee, Amigas -----
              =+=+=+ Let GROPE be an N-tuple where ... +=+=+=

r_moore@vger.nsu.edu (01/29/91)

Hey Todd I just read the following post and you might want to sue this
guy for the use of BAD language.

In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com>, tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
> Just to let those who are new to the net know...
> It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
> and use vulgar langauge.
> I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
> post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
> me via a system at his school, and through a system
> at my company. 
> I don't know how many people know this. I have not use vulgar
> language (F__, S__, etc) when posting because I have been
> posting for many years and have learned by reading, but I was
> astounded by the fact that so many lawsuits have been
> successfull.
> Incidentally, the worst they do is remove the individual from the
> school, with no criminal record.
> I have learned a lot, but it has cost a lot. I found out that
> freedom of speach works as long as you have purchases the
> medium of broadcast of have aproval of the broadcast material 
> form the broadcastee. (No so with the person I am suing according
> to PacTel and his University)
> This all started when I had accidentally posted to the wrong
> group and I recieved a letter sent to me which contained
> several vulgar statements, verbal abuse in a specific sense,
> from a person in CA, who among other things promotes his
> ego in his signature ("never heard of ____ University, than
> you're stupid).
> If you have had simular reactions from this person, please mail
> evidence. I need only two more accounts concerning this individual
> and I can remove him, according to the University.
> Sorry to bore the rest of you.
> -- 
> Todd B. Aubin                        | uunet!hbiso!tba or tba@pws.bull.com
> ISO Unix Marketing Support           | "Boring disclaimer:" The above views
> Bull Information Systems, Inc.       | are mine and are not meant to reflect
> Technology Park, Billerica, MA 01821 | the views of my employer.

watters@skink.cis.ohio-state.edu (david r watters) (01/29/91)

>(Think we've shown Todd how much of a boob he is?)

Oh Boy! You're going to get it now.  That is slander and he will take you all
the way to the supreme court to get you to pay damages and retract that 

I personally think Todd is being a big -=+BEEP+=-, and I hope someone kicks
his big -=*HONK*=-.
>John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
>Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
>Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
>Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305    (Florida)   \X/
"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars. 
 All of us do time in the gutter, dreamers turn to look at the cars!" - RUSH
David watters@cis.ohio-state.edu  "It's 12:35... and Michigan STILL sucks."
_-_-_-__---_---_---__-_-_-____ TurboExpress : The Neo*Geo of portables _____

pondscum@zooid (Lima Bone) (01/29/91)

tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:

> Just to let those who are new to the net know...
> It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
> and use vulgar langauge.
> I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
> post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
> me via a system at his school, and through a system
> at my company. 
> I don't know how many people know this. I have not use vulgar
> language (F__, S__, etc) when posting because I have been
> posting for many years and have learned by reading, but I was
> astounded by the fact that so many lawsuits have been
> successfull.
> Incidentally, the worst they do is remove the individual from the
> school, with no criminal record.
> I have learned a lot, but it has cost a lot. I found out that
> freedom of speach works as long as you have purchases the
> medium of broadcast of have aproval of the broadcast material 
> form the broadcastee. (No so with the person I am suing according
> to PacTel and his University)
> This all started when I had accidentally posted to the wrong
> group and I recieved a letter sent to me which contained
> several vulgar statements, verbal abuse in a specific sense,
> from a person in CA, who among other things promotes his
> ego in his signature ("never heard of ____ University, than
> you're stupid).
> If you have had simular reactions from this person, please mail
> evidence. I need only two more accounts concerning this individual
> and I can remove him, according to the University.
> Sorry to bore the rest of you.
> -- 
> Todd B. Aubin                        | uunet!hbiso!tba or tba@pws.bull.com
> ISO Unix Marketing Support           | "Boring disclaimer:" The above views
> Bull Information Systems, Inc.       | are mine and are not meant to reflect
> Technology Park, Billerica, MA 01821 | the views of my employer.

 You are suing a guy for using the F word??

 Whoa! When I was a young 'un. Some friends and I ran into a restaurant and 
said something along the lines of:
"Hey everybody, the cook took a F-ing S- in the soup!" and ran out the door. 
I know this was juvenile, but what the he*k, I was a juvenile. Anyways, the 
maitre de or however you spell it actually beat up a kid whom he thought was 
with us, and then phoned the cops. The cops came and laid charges on HIM, 
and he told the person that swearing is not a criminal offence. This is 
Canada and I dunno where you are from, but perhaps you are taking this a bit 
seriously. I mean, if the guy is from Cali, maybe he had too much sun that 
 Lima Bone

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (01/29/91)

In article <1991Jan28.144215.7586@watcgl.waterloo.edu> bmacinty@mud.uwaterloo.ca (Blair MacIntyre) writes:
|||||| On 28 Jan 91 08:30:15 GMT, jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad'
|||||| Adams) said:
|John| What is the world coming to when people sue for being cussed
|John| at?  
|Hey, that's the USofA, man!  Land of the free ... oh, damn, I just
|bruised my finger!!!  Ouch!  Hey, it's your fault, I was following up to
|you!  Sue Sue!  Where's my lawyers phone number ...

Yeah, it's just like the other day.  I was driving along and all of a sudden,
I hit -- er, I mean some guy hits me.  So I called Jonsey and Miller ambulance
chasers, and they're suing his buns off.  Boy, are they gonna get rich.


mjt@voodoo.UUCP (Jim Tallant) (01/29/91)

In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com> tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
>Just to let those who are new to the net know...
>It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
>and use vulgar langauge.

Just where is this documented? I hope it's not where I can read it on
the net.  Somebody might get sued. 

>I am currently involved with a lawsuit against a usenet
>post at a university in Calafornia who said mail to
>me via a system at his school, and through a system
>at my company. 

Get real. Are you serious?

>I don't know how many people know this. I have not use vulgar
>language (F__, S__, etc) when posting because I have been
>posting for many years and have learned by reading,

From the grammer you are using it sound like you don't use English language
either.  If you want to know all the good words, read alt.flames.

>but I was astounded by the fact that so many lawsuits have been

I'm astounded too. Care to share a few examples?
I guess that last line really explains the whole problem.  You hear somewhere
that someone won a lawsuit against a person using a four letter word 
so you pick on some poor dweeb who probably doesn't know any better and
sue him. Just what do think you'll gain?  

>Incidentally, the worst they do is remove the individual from the
>school, with no criminal record.
So why bother?  This is really stupid.

Wait. I got it.  Maybe this post was put here to tweek off everybody. Then
they would all start using 'vulgar langauge' and then you could sue us all!

I can't believe it.  I do hope the people who read this group have better
sense that to give this guy more that a piece of you mind and some good
common sense advice.  Lay off Mr. Aubin.  (and buy an english book!)

No wonder the courts in this country are so backlogged.  Isn't america
>Sorry to bore the rest of you.

Yea, we're sorry too.

>Todd B. Aubin                        | uunet!hbiso!tba or tba@pws.bull.com
>ISO Unix Marketing Support           | "Boring disclaimer:" The above views
>Bull Information Systems, Inc.       | are mine and are not meant to reflect
>Technology Park, Billerica, MA 01821 | the views of my employer.

Jim Tallant / mjt@voodoo.boeing.com / uunet!bcstec!voodoo!mjt / bogey on!
The only trouble with the future is that it
gets here so much faster than it used to.              Author unknown

cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Anubis) (01/30/91)

In article <42996@nigel.ee.udel.edu> new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) writes:
>In article <20695@know.pws.bull.com> tba@pws.bull.com (Todd Aubin) writes:
>>Just to let those who are new to the net know...
>>It is a documented offense to reply to a usenet poster
>>and use vulgar langauge.
>Hmmm...  I'm not new to the net, but I would sure like
>to find out where it is documented that "vulgar" words
>are not allowed to be emailed.  I'd also like to

Private mail between people is censored?  Hey, I'd just love to see this
taken to court.  I think although Mr. Aubin might be able to get the university
to kick the poor guy out, the guy could sue the university and win.

>find out exactly which words are "vulgar." It would
>be especially interesting if such "vulgar" words

Since when is vulgarism against the law?  It isn't.  Show me the law.  
Obscenity, now THAT is against the law.  Vulgarism, however, can at
the most be merely in bad taste.

>were available electronically. Think about it.
>Cut us a break, Mr. Aubin.  Get a life. Grow up. All that stuff.
>       -- Darren
Agreed.  It is a shame that justice can be warped like this.  As long
as those of us who live in the USA wish to live in a democracy, we must
fight for the rights of the lowest slimeball as well as the most just cause.

>--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware 

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=That is not dead which may eternal lie-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
*     Christoper Roth                         *  "Machines have no 
*     InterNet  :  cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu      *   Conscience..."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Yet with strange eons even death may die-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

GB03@NS.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (George Philip Bluhm) (01/30/91)

Some individuals cannot say anything without using offensive language.
These people have little of real value to offer.  These users of VL
cannot contribute to the overall worth of the university nor to any
Amiga user.

If you are so full of yourself that you have no tolerence for anyone
else, then good ridience.

pondscum@zooid (Lima Bone) (01/30/91)

jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) writes:

> In article <1991Jan28.144215.7586@watcgl.waterloo.edu> bmacinty@mud.uwaterloo
> >Hey, that's the USofA, man!  Land of the free ... oh, damn, I just
> >bruised my finger!!!  Ouch!  Hey, it's your fault, I was following up to
> >you!  Sue Sue!  Where's my lawyers phone number ...
> Oh yeah?  Well, I'll call my lawyer too!  You just tried to send my
> (Think we've shown Todd how much of a boob he is?)
> --
> John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
> Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
> Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
> Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305    (Florida)   \X/

Oh yeah? Well your message had too many upper case letters causing me undue 
eye strain from the increase in highlighted pixels so I am suing your butt!
 Lima Bone

chrise@hubcap.clemson.edu (Chris Everhart) (01/31/91)

In article <42996@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) writes:
> Hmmm...  I'm not new to the net, but I would sure like
> to find out where it is documented that "vulgar" words
> are not allowed to be emailed.  I'd also like to
> find out exactly which words are "vulgar." It would
> be especially interesting if such "vulgar" words
> were available electronically. Think about it.

I must agree that getting someone kicked out of school for a vulgar e-mail
message is carrying things a little too far, but I do need to point out 
something.  If you are working for a company, and using a company account for
correspondence into newsgroups, vulgar mail can be considered to be an awful
offense because it uselessly ties up that companies mail router, and actually
ends up costing the company money.  That, of course, is considered to be highly
unethical, but then again, so is using a company computer system to get into
personal newsgroups.  So, I guess I haven't really helped out any.

Thank me for nothing,
Chris Everhart

chrise@hubcap.clemson.edu (Chris Everhart) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb04.021131.26031@ddsw1.MCS.COM>, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes:
> In article <26547@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> pm0@jaialai.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) writes:

[stuff deleted]

> Why don't we all find out where this suit has been filed, and petition the
> court to file amicus curie (or friend of the court) briefs against this
> fool.
> Yes, Todd, I think you are a fool.  And since you work for "bull.com", I 
> think I'll just have to make a point of boycotting your company too......
> Now, does that make you feel better?  If we can get a bunch of people on the
> net to boycott your company, I bet it costs them more than your silly suit
> costs the person who used those "bad words" on you!
> There.  A nice exercise of free speech..... :-)
> Have a nice day!

Well, I'm just so glad that several other people have managed to prove
themselves to be capable of just as much foolishness as Todd.  Now, can we
get back to some REAL topics that actually have something to do with this
group??  Actually, since this group is going away anyway, flame all you want.

(Lines to make the stupid post program realize that I want this to be sent
 even though I didn't put in as many lines as I included)

kurt@tc.fluke.COM (Kurt Guntheroth) (02/06/91)

> Since when is vulgarism against the law?  It isn't.  Show me the law.  

I think Mr Aubin's suit is for libel, not vulgarism.  If Mr Aubin was
insulted in print in defamatory and untrue ways, he has a theoretical case
for libel.  The rest of the case seems to revolve around the different
levels of freedom-of-speech accorded the different media.  For instance, it
is much harder to rule a printed book obscene than it is to censor a
broadcast.  Why?  I don't know, but the laws are interpreted differently on
a medium-by-medium basis, and usenet goes over phone wires.

If the University doesn't censure the defendant (does anyone know his name?),
then it condones his action; this is the principal power of Mr Aubin's case.
They have either to throw the defendant out or defend him, and it's cheaper
to toss him out.  So much for acedemic freedom, hey?

Of course, truth is a perfect defense against libel.  While I cannot speak
to any knowledge of Mr Aubin, were I a juror in the hyphthetical case of
X v. Y, where Mr X (a student) called Mr Y a <string of vile four letter words>
on a flamish medium like usenet, and Mr Y responded by sueing Mr X and
attempting to get him thrown out of college, I would have to think very hard
about whether the <string of vile four letter words> did not accurately
describe Mr Y after all.  I suppose this argument is too whimsical to
actually be used in court.

pm0@springs.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) (02/12/91)

In article <3606@ssc-bee.ssc-vax.UUCP> coy@ssc-vax.UUCP (Stephen B Coy) writes:
>The definition for libel I have reads "any written or printed matter
>tending to injure a person's reputation unjustly."  I find it hard

So you are saying, "If he gets a printout then he can send the guy to
jail. :).
