[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ProComm/UN*X Kermit - 8 bit data ???

aland@hpscdv.HP.COM (Alan Davis) (11/20/86)

<yummy line eater poison>

I am trying to use PROCOMM with a  UNIX system  for kermit transfers.
Unless I do an 'stty cs8' and switch Procomm to  8 bits,  I can't get
kermit to transfer binary data (in spite of 'set  file type binary').
Does anyone know if this is  possible with  Procomm.   BTW, Fido also
has this problem (assumption of an 8 bit line).

				Alan Davis

All opinions are those of my stuffed puffin.

wmf@chinet.UUCP (11/22/86)

In article <4660001@hpscdv.HP.COM> aland@hpscdv.HP.COM (Alan Davis) writes:
>I am trying to use PROCOMM with a  UNIX system  for kermit transfers.
>...of binaries. .....Does anyone know if this is  possible with  Procomm.   

You don't mention what version of PROCOMM you are using... anything lower than
2.4.x is doomed to failure...  Assuming a current version, the host (UNIX) 
kermit has to be set to file-type binary and parity even.

An easy way to do this is to create a file called .kermrc in your home 
directory containing any commands you want kermit to execute EVERY time
you invoke it.

             |    Fortiter in re,       ||     Bill Fischer     |
             |       suaviter in modo.  ||  ...ihnp4!chinet!wmf |