[comp.sys.ibm.pc] STACK in config.sys

tessler@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Ira Tessler) (11/25/86)

Can someone tell me the syntax of the STACK option in the config.sys 
under dos 3.2?

					Ira Tessler

gwr@linus.UUCP (Gordon W. Ross) (11/27/86)

In article <7323@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU> tessler@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Ira Tessler) writes:
>Can someone tell me the syntax of the STACK option in the config.sys 
>under dos 3.2?
The CONFIG.SYS option STACKS is documented in appendix B of the
DOS 3.2 manual.  The syntax is:
	STACKS=n,s		where:
n is the number of stacks, range: [8,64], default=9 and
s is the size in bytes of each, range: [32,512], default=128.
	I had trouble finding it too, so I added a cross reference to
appendix B in the section on configuring.
    Gordon W. Ross              Phone: (617) 271-2199
    The MITRE Corporation       ARPA: linus!gwr@mitre-bedford
    Bedford, MA  01730          uucp: decvax!linus!gwr