[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Checking if 2 file pointers refer to the same file from C program.

jai@im4u.UUCP (S. Jayashankar) (12/26/86)

[Someone's not hungry enough.]

Does anyone know how to check whether 2 file pointers opened
independently in a C program point to the same disk file?  Using only
the documented DOS calls.  How does the DOS copy command know when a
file is being copied to itself?

Any help will be appreciated.  Thank you.

Jai Srinivasan, UUCP:  {gatech,harvard,ihnp4,pyramid,seismo}!ut-sally!im4u!jai
ARPA:  jai@im4u.UTEXAS.EDU, jai@sally.UTEXAS.EDU