[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Looking for a GOOD TEXT EDITOR ?

stevenj@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Steven Vore ) (01/07/87)

A few weeks ago I mentioned a text editor which I use ALL the time
for the PC and made the offer to send it out to those who might
like to try it.
Here's more info on the editor itself and where to get it...

Following are excerpts from the QEDIT documentation
          this is, of course, copywrite (C) 1985, 1986 by Semware
QEDIT - the "Quick Editor"

   - SMALL (only 36k)
   - Uses all available memory.  You can edit files as large as
     memory allows with QEDIT.
   - True multi-file editing - number of files edited is limited
     only by memory.
   - The screen may be split to view two files at the same time.
   - 99 scratch buffers for cut and paste/templates operations.
   - Exit temporarily to DOS from within the editor.
   - Configurable - if you don't like the way we've configured
     QEDIT, you can easily change it.  This includes the meaning
     of ALL special keys on the keyboard (Ctrl, the function keys,
     Alt, Home, PgUp, Etc.)

QEDIT will run on the IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT, PC/Jr, and 100%
compatible computers including the Compaq, NCR, Tandy 1000, and
WYSE PC's.  Minimum requirements are:

96 KB of memory (although QEDIT will use up to 640 KB if it is

PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.

One diskette drive.

Either a color or a monochrome monitor with 80 column display.

What can be configured:

1) Binding of commands to keys
2) Screen attributes (colors) for certain parts of the editor
3) Amount of memory NOT to use, or reserve for other tasks.
4) Initial Tab Expansion and mode (insert/overwrite) settings.
5) QEDIT'S resetting of the cursor size/shape.
6) QEDIT'S handling of horizontal and vertical retrace when using
   a graphic adapter.

QEDIT's configuration is accomplished with the supplied
configuration program, QCONFG.  The requirements for running
QCONFG are the same as for QEDIT.

Technical Specifications/Requirements/Limits.

-Source language: Turbo Pascal 73%, Assembler 27%.

-IBM PC specifics:
 int 10h (the video interrupt)
 int 16h (the keyboard interrupt)
 writes directly to screen ram at B800 or B000 (color or

QEDIT works ONLY with TRUE ASCII text files.  ASCII text files are
produced by most editors (for example, the TURBO PASCAL editor).
An ASCII text file will end each line in a Carriage Return and
Line Feed characters (hex 0D and 0A, respectively).  The end of
the file is marked by a hex 1A.

Maximum line length - 255 characters INCLUDING the CR and LF

Minimum RAM memory required................................128K

Maximum RAM used...........................................640K

Maximum file size - Limited to available memory.

Maximum number of files edited in 'multi-file' mode - 32767 or
available memory - which ever comes first.

Minimum Disk Drives required...............................1

Minimum Disk Space required................................36K

FileSpecs can include PATH specifications, for a maximum of 64

There you have it..

a somewhat complete description of QEDIT.  The program, documentation
and support files will be posted to net.sources as soon as I am able
to do so.

-Steven J. Vore

" 'A wizard is only as good as his spells,' people will often say.  It is
telling, however, that this statement is only made by people who have never
been wizards themselves."
                         -The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume I