john@uwmacc.UUCP (John Jacobsen) (01/09/87)
This is a question a faculty member at my university has for all you net.people. Any information or pointers of any kind would be appreciated. We need to display the output from an IBM AT using the IBM EGA display card on standard NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) composite video ANALOG monitors. Although there is an EGA mode with NTSC compatible sweep-rate, to my knowledge, all the modes are RGB (Red/Green/Blue) DIGITAL. The monitors are existing units installed in several of our lecture halls and are designed to handle either standard broadcast signals or NTSC line level video -- analog only. Can we do this via some modification to the EGA board, an external adaptor or is an different video display card the only alternative? If a new display card is required, what is the best choice to keep as much compatibility with our other AT's using the standard IBM EGA? John E. Jacobsen University of Wisconsin -- Madison Academic Computing Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ arpa: uucp: +-> {seismo|harvard|topaz|caip|ll-xn| | allegra|akgua|ucbvax|bellcore|ihnp4}!uwvax!uwmacc!john | +- Hosts on this line probably have faster delivery time. [NSA food: terrorist, cryptography, DES, drugs, CIA, secret, decode,]