[comp.sys.ibm.pc] WP Conversion

gof@crash.UUCP (Jerry Fountain) (01/11/87)

I am trying to do a one-time conversion of Microsoft Word (2.0) files to
WordPerfect 4.1.  Does anyone know of a way to do this (other than an
unformatted save in MS Word, I do not want to lose the bold, underlines, etc.)
Is there a program (of course PD *would* be best but...) that will do this
conversion and, if so, has anyone had any experience with it.

Jerry Fountain
UUCP:   {akgua,hplabs!hp-sdd,sdcsvax,noscvax}!crash!pnet01!gof
ARPA:   crash!pnet01!gof@nosc
USMAIL: 523 Glen Oaks Dr., Alpine, Calif. 92001