[comp.sys.ibm.pc] PrtSc - an EGA screen dump utility

jeff@ducall.UUCP (01/24/87)


With more EGA high-res programs, and more high-res laser and dot matrix
printers, the request has come to the net for a screen print utility
that will dump such graphics onto such printers.  I am herewith posting
PrtSc.asm, a utility I wrote about six months ago.  

The code explains the program fairly well.  In short, PrtSc is a memory
resident utility that should be executed by the autoexec.bat file.  Once
loaded it supports either the Toshiba P351 or Hewlett-Packard LaserJet
printers.  It will print bold for high intensity characters, underlines for
underlined characters, and italics (if available) for reverse video.  It
will also dump high resolution graphics screens in an appropriate resolution.
Although low resolution support is not included, the hooks are present to
add these routines.

This program is now in the public domain, so please enjoy it.

================== CUT HERE ==================================
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	prtsc.asm
# This archive created: Fri Jan 23 22:07:00 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'prtsc.asm'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'prtsc.asm'"
sed 's/^#//' << \FUNKY_STUFF > 'prtsc.asm'
#;       ***********************************************************
#;                                   PRTSC.ASM
#;                           Jeffrey William Gillette
#;                          Humanities Computing Center
#;                            104 Languages Building
#;                                Duke University
#;                               Durham, NC  27706
#;       PrtSc is a memory resident program that replaces the normal
#;       IBM PC PrtSc interrupt (int 5).  It correctly replaces IBM
#;       "extended ASCII" European characters with ISO European characters
#;       used by the Toshiba P351 and the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet
#;       printers.
#;       PrtSc supports the following screen attributes: bold, underline
#;       and reverse video (italic).  
#;       PrtSc supports normal text and enhanced graphics modes.  Note
#;       that hooks are in place for low resolution graphics, but these
#;       are not implemented at present.
#DEBUG   equ     0               ;  run as process (1) or tsr utility (0).
#TOSHIBA  equ    1
#LASERJET equ    0
#PRINTER  equ    LASERJET        ;  set to either TOSHIBA or LASERJET
#_TEXT   segment public byte 'CODE'
#        assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA,ss:_STACK
#sseg    dw      0               ;  stack segment
#sst     dw      0               ;  stack pointer
#pseg    dw      0               ;  stack segment for prtsc
#pst     dw      0               ;  stack segment for prtsc
#int5    proc    near
#        mov     cs:sseg,ss      ;  save stack and stack pointer
#        mov     cs:sst,sp
#        mov     ax,_STACK
#        mov     ss,ax
#        mov     ax,offset top
#        mov     sp,ax
#        mov     ss,cs:pseg
#        mov     sp,cs:pst
#        push    es
#        push    ds
#        push    si
#        push    di
#        push    bp
#        push    dx
#        push    cx
#        push    bx
#        push    ax
#        mov     ax,_DATA
#        mov     ds,ax
#        ;       jump to appropriate procedure
#        mov     ah,0fh
#        int     10h             ;  get current video mode
#        xor     ah,ah
#        shl     ax,1            ;    x 2 bytes per word
#        mov     bx,modes        ;  offset for base
#        add     bx,ax           ;    plus video mode 
#        call    [bx]            ;  call procedure
#        pop     ax
#        pop     bx
#        pop     cx
#        pop     dx
#        pop     bp
#        pop     di
#        pop     si
#        pop     ds
#        pop     es
#        mov     ss,cs:sseg
#        mov     sp,cs:sst
#IF      DEBUG
#        ret
#        iret
#int5    endp
#;       set video segment for mono
#mono    proc    near
#        mov     ax,0b000h
#        mov     es,ax
#        jmp     text   
#mono    endp
#;       set video segment for color
#color    proc   near
#        mov     ax,0b800h
#        mov     es,ax
#        jmp     text   
#color    endp
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#;                             TEXT MODE ROUTINES
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#text    proc    near
#        ;       first initialize the printer
#        mov     di,offset init
#        call    p2
#        ;       next set up the transfer
#        mov     cx,25
#        xor     si,si
#        xor     bx,bx
#t0:     push    cx              ;  do one row
#        mov     cx,80
#t1:     push    cx
#        mov     dx,es:[si]
#        ;       check attribute to see if it has changed
#        mov     bl,dh
#        and     bl,7fh          ;  mask out high bit
#        mov     al,[offset attributes + bx]
#        cmp     al,att
#        jz      t4
#        ;       change of attribute
#        mov     ah,al           ;  save new attribute
#        xor     al,att          ;  al now shows which functions need changing
#        mov     att,ah          ;  save new attribute
#        test    al,8            ;  bold
#        jz      t2
#        mov     di,prtptr       ;    turn on bold
#        test    ah,8
#        jnz     t1a
#        mov     di,prtptr  + 2  ;    turn off bold
#t1a:    push    ax
#        push    dx
#        call    p2
#        pop     dx
#        pop     ax
#t2:     test    al,4            ;  italic (reverse video)
#        jz      t3
#        mov     di,prtptr  + 4  ;    turn on italic
#        test    ah,4
#        jnz     t2a
#        mov     di,prtptr  + 6  ;    turn off italic
#t2a:    push    ax
#        push    dx
#        call    p2
#        pop     dx
#        pop     ax
#t3:     test    al,2            ;  underline
#        jz      t4
#        mov     di,prtptr  + 8  ;    turn on underline
#        test    ah,2
#        jnz     t3a
#        mov     di,prtptr  + 10 ;    turn off underline
#t3a:    push    dx
#        call    p2
#        pop     dx
#t4:     ;       print the character
#        mov     bl,dl
#        mov     al,[ttrans + bx]        ;  get character to print from table
#        or      al,al
#        jz      t8                      ;  '\0' means go to special table
#        xor     ah,ah
#        xor     dx,dx
#        int     17h
#t5:     add     si,2
#        pop     cx
#        loop    t1              ; next character
#        mov     di,offset crlf  ; end of line
#        call    p2
#        pop     cx
#        loop    t6              ; do next line
#        ;       finally do an ending init
#        mov     di,offset endit
#        call    p2
#        ret
#t6:     jmp     t0              ;  kludge to handle long size jump
#t8:     ;       look up character in special table
#        push    si
#        mov     si,offset tspec - 4
#t8a:    add     si,4
#        cmp     word ptr [si],0
#        jz      t8b             ;  end of table - return
#        cmp     [si],dl
#        jnz     t8a             ;  loop till found
#        add     si,2
#        mov     di,[si]         ;  get address of string to send
#        call    p2              ;    to the printer.
#t8b:    pop     si
#        jmp     t5
#text    endp
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#;                          TOSHIBA GRAPHICS ROUTINES
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#;       graphics a - 320x200 graphics print
#tosgrfa proc    near
#        ret
#tosgrfa endp
#;       graphics b - 640x200 graphics print
#tosgrfb proc    near
#        ret
#tosgrfb endp
#;       graphics c - 640x350 graphics print
#tosgrfc proc    near
#        ;       set video segment to extended graphics
#        mov     ax,0a000h
#        mov     es,ax
#        ;       initialize the printer
#        mov     di,offset gcinit
#        call    p2
#        ;       setup 30 iterations
#        mov     cx,30           ;  cx = count of iterations
#        mov     bp,0            ;  bx = base row for iteration
#gc1:    ;       line loop 
#        mov     di,offset gcline
#        call    p2
#        ;       do for 640 columns
#        push    cx
#        mov     cx,640
#        xor     bx,bx
#gc2:    ;       compute byte offset within memory
#        mov     si,bx
#        shr     si,1
#        shr     si,1
#        shr     si,1            ;  column / 8 = byte offset
#        add     si,bp           ;  add in row number
#        ;       compute bit mask
#        push    cx
#        mov     cl,bl           
#        and     cl,7            ;  last three bits is bit offset
#        mov     ah,80h
#        shr     ah,cl
#        ;       four bytes per pass
#        mov     cx,4
#        mov     di, offset gchold       ;  to store bitmaps
#gc3:    ;       do 12 pixels
#        push    cx
#        mov     cx,3            ;  do 3 pixels per byte
#        xor     dx,dx           ;  blank dx
#gc4:    shl     dl,1            ;  shift dl left
#        mov     al,ah           ;  put copy of bit mask in al
#        and     al,es:[si]      ;  check [si]
#        jz      gc5             ;  is bit on?
#        inc     dl              ;    if yes turn on bit for printer
#        shl     dl,1            ;  twice
#        inc     dl
#        jmp     gc6
#gc5:    shl     dl,1
#gc6:    add     si,80           ;  next row
#        loop    gc4 
#        ;       end of byte - store in gchold
#        mov     [di],dl         ;  store in gchold
#        inc     di
#        pop     cx
#        loop    gc3             ;  do next 3 pixels
#        ;       end of 12 pixels - send to printer (twice)
#        mov     cx,2
#gc7:    push    cx
#IF      DEBUG
#        push    bx
#        mov     ah,40h
#        mov     bx,handle
#        mov     dx,offset gchold
#        mov     cx,4
#        int     21h
#        pop     bx
#        mov     cx,4
#        mov     di,offset gchold
#gc8:    mov     al,[di]
#        xor     ah,ah
#        xor     dx,dx
#        push    di
#        int     17h
#        pop     di
#        inc     di
#        loop    gc8
#        pop     cx
#        loop    gc7
#        inc     bx              ;  move bx to next column
#        pop     cx
#        loop    gc2             ;  do next column
#        ;       end of line
#        mov     di,offset crlf  ;  print newline
#        call    p2
#        add     bp,960          ;  add 12 lines to base
#        pop     cx
#        loop    gc1             ;  do next row
#        ;       end of screen
#        mov     di,offset gcend
#        call    p2
#        ret
#tosgrfc endp
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#;                         LASERJET GRAPHICS ROUTINES
#;       ------------------------------------------------------------------
#;       graphics a - 320x200 graphics print
#ljgrfa  proc    near
#        ret
#ljgrfa  endp
#;       graphics b - 640x200 graphics print
#ljgrfb  proc    near
#        ret
#ljgrfb  endp
#;       graphics c - 640x350 graphics print
#ljgrfc  proc    near
#        ;       set video segment to extended graphics
#        mov     ax,0a000h
#        mov     es,ax
#        ;       initialize the printer
#        mov     di,offset gcinit
#        call    p2
#        ;       setup 350 iterations
#        mov     cx,350          ;  cx = count of iterations
#        xor     si,si           ;  si = position on screen
#lgc1:   ;       line loop
#        mov     di,offset gcline
#        call    p2
#        ;       do for 80 bytes (640 columns)
#        push    cx
#        mov     cx,80
#lgc2:   ;       get byte and print it
#        mov     al,es:[si]              ;  put character in al
#        xor     ah,ah
#        xor     dx,dx                   ;  printer 0
#        int     17h                     ;  print it
#        inc     si                      ;  move pointer to next byte
#        loop    lgc2
#        pop     cx
#        loop    lgc1                    ;  do next line 
#        mov     di,offset gcend
#        call    p2
#        ret
#ljgrfc  endp
#;       null procedure for invalid video modes
#null    proc    near
#        ret
#null    endp
#;       Put a string out to the printer.
#;       ds:di points to null terminated string
#puts    proc    near
#p1:     inc     di
#        xor     ah,ah
#        xor     dx,dx
#        int     17h                     ;  send to printer
#p2:     mov     al,[di]
#        or      al,al
#        jnz     p1
#        ret
#puts    endp
#main    proc    near
#        ;       setup pseg and pst
#        mov     cs:pseg,ss
#        mov     cs:pst,sp
#IF      DEBUG
#        mov     ax,_DATA
#        mov     ds,ax
#        ;       call int5
#        call    int5
#        ;       quit
#        mov     ax,4c00h
#        int     21h
#        ;       set int 5 offset
#        push    ds
#        mov     ax,_TEXT
#        mov     ds,ax
#        mov     dx,offset int5
#        mov     ax,2505h
#        int     21h
#        pop     ds
#        ;       terminate and stay resident
#        mov     dx,100h
#        mov     ax,3100h
#        int     21h
#main    endp
#_TEXT   ends
#_DATA   segment public word 'DATA'
#monoseg dw      0B000h  ;  monochrome video ram segment
#cgaseg  dw      0B800h  ;  color video ram segment
#apaseg  dw      0A000h  ;  APA segment (EGA high res)
#scrmode db      0       ;  current video mode
#att     db      0       ;  current attribute bits represent bold, italic, underline
#crlf    db      13,10,0
#IF      DEBUG
#handle  dw      0       ;  for file i/o (only in DEBUG mode)
#test    db      "test.123",0 ;  name for test file
#IF      PRINTER                 ;  set modes to Toshiba or LaserJet
#modes   dw      offset tosprocs
#modes   dw      offset  ljprocs
#;       Table of routines for various video modes
#tosprocs dw     offset color    ;  mode 0  - 40x25 color/bw
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 1  - 40x25 color
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 2  - 80x25 color/bw
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 3  - 80x25 color
#        dw      offset tosgrfa  ;  mode 4  - 320x200 color
#        dw      offset tosgrfa  ;  mode 5  - 320x200 color/bw
#        dw      offset tosgrfb  ;  mode 6  - 640x200 color/bw
#        dw      offset mono     ;  mode 7  - 80x25 mono
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode 8  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode 9  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode a  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode b  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode c  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset tosgrfa  ;  mode d  - 320x200 color
#        dw      offset tosgrfb  ;  mode e  - 640x200 color
#        dw      offset tosgrfc  ;  mode f  - 640x350 mono
#        dw      offset tosgrfc  ;  mode 10 - 640x350 high res
#ljprocs dw      offset color    ;  mode 0  - 40x25 color/bw
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 1  - 40x25 color
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 2  - 80x25 color/bw
#        dw      offset color    ;  mode 3  - 80x25 color
#        dw      offset ljgrfa   ;  mode 4  - 320x200 color
#        dw      offset ljgrfa   ;  mode 5  - 320x200 color/bw
#        dw      offset ljgrfb   ;  mode 6  - 640x200 color/bw
#        dw      offset mono     ;  mode 7  - 80x25 mono
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode 8  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode 9  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode a  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode b  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset null     ;  mode c  - invalid mode
#        dw      offset ljgrfa   ;  mode d  - 320x200 color
#        dw      offset ljgrfb   ;  mode e  - 640x200 color
#        dw      offset ljgrfc   ;  mode f  - 640x350 mono
#        dw      offset ljgrfc   ;  mode 10 - 640x350 high res
#;       table of attribute equivalents for possible attribute bytes
#;       0 = normal, 2 = underline, 4 = reverse, 8 = bold, 10 = bold under
#attributes db   0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10,8,8,8,8
#        db      8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10,8,8
#        db      8,8,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10,8,8,8,8,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10
#        db      8,8,8,8,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,10,8,8,8,8,8,8,4,2,0,0,0,0,0,0
#        db      4,10,8,8,8,8,8,8
#;       table of printer escape codes
#prtptr  dw      offset boldon , offset boldoff 
#        dw      offset revon, offset revoff
#        dw      offset unlon, offset unloff
#;       Character translation tables
#;       These tables tell PrtSc what to send to the printer for every
#;       character on the screen.  Note that 032 (space) is used for all
#;       non-printable characters.  000 is a special code that means "send
#;       escape sequence" for this character.  Tspec is the lookup table for
#;       escape sequences.
#;       Note that the LaserJet does not really have box graphics chars.
#;       In the ttrans table these are handled by escape sequences which 
#;       shift to a box.lj font developed at Duke.  Others should change
#;       the escape sequences or replace the 000s with 032s.
#;       TOSHIBA P351 data
#;       Character translation table - handles control and extended ASCII
#ttrans  db      032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,032,032,175,169,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,033,034,035,036,037,038,039,040,041,042,043,044
#        db      045,046,047,048,049,050,051,052,053,054,055,056,057,058,059
#        db      060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067,068,069,070,071,072,073,074
#        db      075,076,077,078,079,080,081,082,083,084,085,086,087,088,089
#        db      090,091,092,093,094,095,096,097,098,099,100,101,102,103,104
#        db      105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119
#        db      120,121,122,123,124,125,126,167,162,184,187,032,182,161,032
#        db      162,032,032,189,032,032,032,177,032,032,032,032,032,183,032
#        db      032,188,032,178,179,180,163,176,032,191,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,032,032,032,174,172,032,032,032,032,032,000,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,032
#        db      185,032,032,032,032,165,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,166,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032
#ELSE                            ;  LaserJet
#;       Character translation table - handles control and extended ASCII
#ttrans  db      032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,032,032,175,169,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,032,032,033,034,035,036,037,038,039,040,041,042,043,044
#        db      045,046,047,048,049,050,051,052,053,054,055,056,057,058,059
#        db      060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067,068,069,070,071,072,073,074
#        db      075,076,077,078,079,080,081,082,083,084,085,086,087,088,089
#        db      090,091,092,093,094,095,096,097,098,099,100,101,102,103,104
#        db      105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119
#        db      120,121,122,123,124,125,126,252,180,207,197,192,204,200,212
#        db      181,193,205,201,221,209,217,216,208,220,215,211,194,206,202
#        db      195,203,239,218,219,191,187,188,032,190,196,213,198,199,183
#        db      182,249,250,185,032,032,248,247,184,251,253,032,032,032,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
#        db      000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,032
#        db      222,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032,032
#        db      032,254,032,032,032,032,032,032,179,032,032,032,032,032,252
#        db      032
#;       Tspec is the lookup table for special characters.  It simply
#;       contains character values and offsets to the beginning of the
#;       escape sequence.  When PrtSc sees 000 in the character table
#;       it will look down the tspec table until it finds an entry for
#;       the character in question.  Note that tspec ends with two
#;       words of 0.
#;       At present only the 'box graphics' characters are included
#;       here, but with downloadable fonts and > 256 character display
#;       modes, the tspec table can be extended almost indefinitely.
#tspec   dw      179, offset ts10,       180, offset ts14
#        dw      181, offset ts14,       182, offset ts14
#        dw      183, offset ts7,        184, offset ts7
#        dw      185, offset ts14,       186, offset ts10
#        dw      187, offset ts7,        188, offset ts12
#        dw      189, offset ts12,       190, offset ts12
#        dw      191, offset ts7,        192, offset ts11
#        dw      193, offset ts13,       194, offset ts8
#        dw      195, offset ts9,        196, offset ts6
#        dw      197, offset ts15,       198, offset ts9
#        dw      199, offset ts9,        200, offset ts11
#        dw      201, offset ts5,        202, offset ts13
#        dw      203, offset ts8,        204, offset ts9
#        dw      205, offset ts6,        206, offset ts15
#        dw      207, offset ts13,       208, offset ts13
#        dw      209, offset ts8,        210, offset ts8
#        dw      211, offset ts11,       212, offset ts11
#        dw      213, offset ts5,        214, offset ts5
#        dw      215, offset ts15,       216, offset ts15
#        dw      217, offset ts12,       218, offset ts5
#        dw      219, offset ts0,        220, offset ts1
#        dw      221, offset ts2,        222, offset ts3
#        dw      223, offset ts4
#        dw      0,0
#;       Escape codes to present box graphics characters.
#;       Note that the LaserJet+ does not really have box
#;       graphics characters.  These escape codes work for the
#;       box.lj font developed at Duke.  Others should change
#;       or delete these codes.  Note that all strings are null
#;       terminated.
#IF      PRINTER                 ;  box graphics characters for Toshiba
#ts0     db      27,"=o",27,"?",0 ; 219
#ts1     db      27,"=h",27,"?",0 ; 220
#ts2     db      27,"=i",27,"?",0 ; 221
#ts3     db      27,"=j",27,"?",0 ; 222
#ts4     db      27,"=g",27,"?",0 ; 223
#ts5     db      27,"=p",27,"?",0 ; 218
#ts6     db      27,"=q",27,"?",0 ; 196
#ts7     db      27,"=r",27,"?",0 ; 191
#ts8     db      27,"=s",27,"?",0 ; 194
#ts9     db      27,"=t",27,"?",0 ; 195
#ts10    db      27,"=u",27,"?",0 ; 179
#ts11    db      27,"=v",27,"?",0 ; 192
#ts12    db      27,"=w",27,"?",0 ; 217
#ts13    db      27,"=x",27,"?",0 ; 293
#ts14    db      27,"=y",27,"?",0 ; 180
#ts15    db      27,"=z",27,"?",0 ; 197
#ELSE                            ;  LaserJet box graphics font
#ts0     db      27,41,49,88,14,73,27,41,50,88,15,0 ; 219
#ts1     db      27,41,49,88,14,74,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 220
#ts2     db      27,41,49,88,14,75,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 221
#ts3     db      27,41,49,88,14,76,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 222
#ts4     db      27,41,49,88,14,77,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 223
#ts5     db      27,41,49,88,14,72,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 218
#ts6     db      27,41,49,88,14,50,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 196
#ts7     db      27,41,49,88,14,45,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 191
#ts8     db      27,41,49,88,14,48,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 194
#ts9     db      27,41,49,88,14,49,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 195
#ts10    db      27,41,49,88,14,33,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 179
#ts11    db      27,41,49,88,14,46,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 192
#ts12    db      27,41,49,88,14,71,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 217
#ts13    db      27,41,49,88,14,47,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 293
#ts14    db      27,41,49,88,14,34,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 180
#ts15    db      27,41,49,88,14,51,15,27,41,50,88,0 ; 197
#;       Graphics mode codes
#IF      PRINTER                 ;   Toshiba
#gcinit  db      27,26,"I",27,"L07",0    ;  initialize the printer
#gcline  db      27,";1280",0            ;  begin image data transfer
#gchold  db      0,0,0,0,0
#gcend   db      12,27,26,"I",0          ;  reinitialize printer
#ELSE                            ;    LaserJet
#gcinit  db      27,"*t100R",27,"*r0A",0 ;  initialize the printer
#gcline  db      27,"*b80W",0            ;  begin image data transfer
#gchold  db      0,0,0,0,0
#gcend   db      27,"*rB",12,0           ;  reinitialize printer
#;       Text mode codes
#IF      PRINTER                         ;  Toshiba escape sequences
#init    db      27,77,27,20,27,74,0
#boldon  db      27,"K3",0
#boldoff db      27,"M",0
#revon   db      27,"",0
#revoff  db      27,"",0
#unlon   db      27,"I",0
#unloff  db      27,"J",0
#endit   db      27,77,27,20,27,74,0
#ELSE                                    ;  LaserJet escape sequences
#init    db      15,27,41,50,88,0
#boldon  db      27,40,115,51,66,0
#boldoff db      27,40,115,48,66,0
#revon   db      27,40,115,48,83,0
#revoff  db      27,40,115,49,83,0
#unlon   db      27,38,100,68,0
#unloff  db      27,38,100,64,0
#endit   db      12,0
#_DATA   ends
#_STACK  segment stack para 'STACK'
#        db      100h dup('TheStack')
#top     db      0
#_STACK  ends
#end     main
chmod +x 'prtsc.asm'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

Jeffrey William Gillette          uucp: mcnc!ethos!ducall!jeff 
Humanities Computing Facility     bitnet: DYBBUK at TUCCVM
Duke University