[comp.sys.ibm.pc] sideways printing

csc@riccb.UUCP (01/27/87)

there have been enough inquiries into the sideways printing
that i thought i would summarize the results here.  there 
are two public domain programs to accomplish this one written
in pascal and available through INFO-IBMPC and another that
can be downloaded through local bbs'es.  The only comercial program
available seems to be sideways.  from the responses i have gotten
i guess it is worth the $40 price tag.  it supports printing from
several word processing packages as well as most spread sheets
thanks to all for the info.

                                                      *** * ***
Craig S. Curtin                                     ***** * *****
Rockwell International (WTPD)                      ****** * ******
(312) 985-9000 x2376                               *****  *  *****
....!ihnp4!riccb!csc                                **  *****  **