karamich@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu.UUCP (02/19/87)
Does anyone out there know where I can buy a hardware add-on called Quick-On. What it does is bypass the ROM BIOS's Power on test of the memory and therefore more quickly starts up the machine. It used to be advertised in the back of PC magazine. It looks something like a socket and a chip combined into one (I think.) The ROM BIOS fits on top of the chip and the Quick-On chip goes where the ROM chip used to be. Please help...... This is for a true blue IBM PC..... ---- Tom Karamichos University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computing Services Office - Microcomputer Consulting Dept. BITNET: karamich@uiucuxc.bitnet ARPA: karamich@uiucuxc.cso.uiuc.edu CSNET: karamich@uiucuxc.csnet UUCP: {ihnp4,pur-ee,convex}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!karamich ------------------------------------------------------------- Women -- you can't live without them, you can't shoot them! -------------------------------------------------------------