[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 80388?

dan@prairie.UUCP (03/05/87)

   PC Week reports that Intel plans to release, later this year, a
version of the 80386 pin compatible with the 80286.  Users of 286
based machines would be able to plug in the new chip and take
advantage of its 32-bit internal data paths, virtual machine
capabilities, and demand paging facilities, extending (at least
somewhat) the life of their present hardware.

   If true (and it probably is), this is great news, and I give Intel
a lot of credit for savvy marketing.  Protected Mode DOS on the 286
is the next TopView.  If it ever comes out, no one will buy it
because it doesn't run their software.  Only the 386 can run the
OS that people want, and only the "388" (my coinage) can let them
run it without having to buy a new machine or a foreign accelerator

   Unfortunately, PC Week also reports that Intel plans to price the
chip at $500.  NEC, are you listening?

      Dan Frank (w9nk)
	ARPA: dan@db.wisc.edu			ATT: (608) 255-0002 (home)
	UUCP: ... uwvax!prairie!dan		     (608) 262-4196 (office)
	SNAILMAIL: 1802 Keyes Ave. Madison, WI 53711-2006