[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Any advice on brands of diskettes?

johnl@ima.UUCP (03/06/87)

We are trying to find out about the relative reliability of different brands
of diskettes.  We distribute software on floppies, so we use tens of thousands
of them, and each time one of them goes bad it causes grief for us and for

So does anybody know of any reliability numbers for different kinds of 
diskettes?  Reports like "I've bought 200 disks from Crudco and they've
all formatted" are OK, but what would be really great is "we tried a thousand
of each of ten brands, Crudco failed .8%, Bogus Designs failed .65%,
Rice Bowl failed 1.2%, ..."

John R. Levine, Javelin Software Corp., Cambridge MA +1 617 494 1400
{ ihnp4 | decvax | cbosgd | harvard | yale }!ima!johnl, Levine@YALE.something
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