pwu@uwmacc.UUCP (Peter Wu) (03/09/87)
My impression is that handshaking is a way of doing flow control thru hardware using some pins on the rs-232 (forgot the 3-letters abbreviations) and xon/xoff is flow control thru software. Is this correct? If so, what is the advantage/disadvantage of handshaking compared to xon/xoff? Also, can someone remind me what those pin names are and how the protocol works? Thanks. peter /* ** ARPA: BITNET: WU at WISVMACC ** UUCP: {seismo|harvard|topaz|caip|ll-xn| <-+ ** allegra|akgua|ucbvax|bellcore|ihnp4}!uwvax!uwmacc!pwu | ** | ** Uuhosts on this line may have faster delivery time. --------+ */