[comp.sys.ibm.pc] new Turbo Pascal book

sampson@smu.UUCP (03/19/87)

                      New Turbo Pascal Book
   There  is  a  new Pascal book out,  Library  of  Turbo  Pascal 
Programs  by  Murat Tankik and Udo Pooch (published  by  Wordware 
Publishing,  Dallas/London) that you might be interested in.   It 
has  more  advanced programs than most Turbo books,  including  a 
program  that  analyzes Pascal source code  for  complexity,  AI, 
classic computer games, some system routines as well as the usual 
business and educational programs.                        
   They  sell the disk with the source code as well.   I will  be 
doing a full review of the book in the future. 
                   /|\                    joel sampson
                 /  | \                 ----------------
               / fs |  \           Southern Methodist University
             /      |   \         Computer Science & Engineering  
         ._/________|    \            Dallas, Texas  75275
        .___________|_____\__          convex!smu!sampson