kadie@uiucdcsb.UUCP (03/20/87)
/* ---------- "searching for text oriented data ba" ---------- */ I'm looking for a database type program that will allow me to have long (around 5000 character) field lengths, preferably dynamically /* End of text from uiucdcsb:comp.sys.ibm.pc */ I recently bought a program through my university's computer services organization. The program is called NOTEBOOK II -- The Database Manager for Unlimited Text. It comes with BIBLIOGRAPHY, a program to create bibliographic footnotes or endnotes from references in a document. Here's some stuff from the back cover of the manual: "Use Notebook II's build-in text editor to take all the notes you want, or read in files from you word processor. Then, in an instant, reorganize or retrieve any information and print it in any format. "Notebook II manages up to 50 fields and ten pages of text per record, and as many records as you disk can hold. You don't have to reserve space in advance becasue fields and records expand dynamically as you enter text. ... "Notebook II runs under MS/PCDOS 2 or 3 with 256K RAM." I have used Notebook for about a month. I moved my bibliographic database off Unix to my PC. Also I have another database of information and tips from places like notes and the PC magazines. My university's price for the package was $25. I don't know what the retail price is. The company is Pro/Tem Software 2363 Boulevard Circle Walnut Creek, CA 94595 (415) 947-1000 (I disclaim any ulterior relation with Pro/Tem) Carl Kadie University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign UUCP: {ihnp4,pur-ee,convex}!uiucdcs!kadie CSNET: kadie@UIUC.CSNET ARPA: kadie@M.CS.UIUC.EDU (kadie@UIUC.ARPA)