[comp.sys.ibm.pc] A list of RLL-Capable Drives

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (03/27/87)

To the Net;

I just got the latest list of RLL 2/7 certified disk drives from
Scientific Micro Systems (the guys that make OMTI controllers).   I
just thought you might find the following info useful if you happen
to go shopping for an RLL controller to boost your storage

Maker		Model	Capacity  Access  Size  Height  Phone
				  in mS.
-----		-----	--------  ------  ----  ------  -----

ATASI		3085	109.1     29	  5.25"  full   408-436-0335

Lapine		LT300	 32.8	  65	  3.5	 half	408-262-7077

Microscience	HH-330	 32.6	  80	  3.5	 half	415-961-2212
		HH-738	 32.6	  80	  5.25	 half

Miniscribe	3438	 32.7	  85	  5.25	 half	303-651-6000
		8438	 32.6	  68	  3.5	 half

Peripheral	PT 238R	 32.7	  40	  3.5	 half	805-581-1000
  Technolgy	PT 357R	 49.1	  40	  3.5	 half

Priam		V170	 91.9	  30	  5.25	 full	408-946-4600
		V185	108.6	  30	  5.25   full
		514	179.2	  20	  5.25	 full
		519	244.4	  20	  5.25	 full

Seagate		ST238	 32.7	  65	  5.25	 half	408-438-6550
		ST251R	 43.6	  40	  5.25	 half
		ST277R	 65.4	  40	  5.25	 half
		ST4077R	 68.1	  28	  5.25	 full
		ST4144R	122.7	  28	  5.25	 full

Toshiba		MK-53FB	 55.2	  25	  5.25	 full	408-727-3939
		MK-54FB	 77.3	  25	  5.25	 full
		MK-56FB	110.5	  25	  5.25	 full

The capacities are the formatted capacity of the drives based on
the "usual" RLL-2/7's 26 sector per track format.  I heard that
Segate is doing some research to push RLL another notch next year.
The current 2/7 yeilds a 50% storage boost over MFM.  Seagate is
looking into 4/9 (I think those are the digits ?) to yeild a 100%
incease over plain MFM.

If your favorite drive is not on the above list, it could well be
RLL capable.  I'm not sure if this list is anywhere near


Bill Mayhew,  EE Lab
Div. Basic Med. Sciences
NE Ohio Univ.'s College of Medicine
PO Box 95, 4209 SR 44
Rootstown, OH  44272  USA    phone:  216-325-2511
(wtm@neoucom.UUCP   ...!cbatt!neoucom!wtm)