[comp.sys.ibm.pc] PC Stereo?!?

michael@slovax.UUCP (03/27/87)

Some of my cohorts and I are building, just for the fun of it, a
*half-height stereo tape deck*, with mini headphones, suitable for
installing in a desktop PC.

Originally, the whole point of the exercise was to have it show up in
the "What's New" section of InfoWorld or Byte ("The ultimate add-on for
the PC that has everything"), to provide a laugh. (Unfortunately, we've 
missed the April 1 issue.)

But I'm beginning to wonder about the possibility of legal problems if 
someone actually wants to *buy* one. I understand that announcing unavailable
products is *expected* in this industry (:-), but I don't want to be caught
off-guard by a flood of orders (and for lack of an anti-lawsuit suit...).

So, here's the Official Market Survey (carefully controlled and statistically

1. Would *you* buy one (for yourself or a friend)?

2. How much would you pay for one (estimating $70 for a Walkman and $150 for
   a car stereo with tuner)?

Please e-mail your responses to me (seriously!).


Michael Longe'
R & D Associates

------- standard disclaimer -------------------------------------------------

My employer doesn't even *use* PC's...

------- usual exclaimer -----------------------------------------------------

Qui, moi?