luis@grinch.UUCP (luis) (05/20/87)
Hello all in net-land... I am interested, and seriously thinking, about purchasing Unix or Xenix for my PC/AT. I have heard alot about MicroPort System V/AT, and also alot about SCO Xenix.. What I am wondering, is what are some expirences (good or bad) which you have had. Right now, I have my eye on SCO Xenix, but thought I would see what experiences people have had. Please mail me responces, and I will summarize if there is enough interest. Luis Chanu.... Thanks In Advance!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luis Chanu "Live every day as if it were your last, UUCP: ihnp4!sun!aeras!grinch!luis because one day you will be right." UUCP: lll-crg!vecpyr!wjvax!grinch!luis -Benny Hill Disk-Claimer: That's not your disk, that's my disk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------