[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Hercules Clones

alexande@drivax.UUCP (06/03/87)

In article <2580@ncoast.UUCP> allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon Allbery) writes:
>Herc mono is sort-of; the clone versions I've seen
>use the CGA character set, which is a lossage (and worse because it looked
>like they were skipping scan lines to simulate the CGA character size in
>pixels).  I would hope that a good model would use a readable character set
>and use full resolution in text mode.

That's funny ... every Herc clone I've seen in computer stores in Silicon
Valley had the nice high-res IBM-style character set (including
the Zuckerboard I bought).  Maybe you were looking at one of those
fancy-dancy boards that emulates the CGA on a TTL monochrome monitor,
and it happened to be in CGA mode (the Everex Edge is one such beast).
I'm sure that in Herc mode all would be fine. 
Mark Alexander	...{hplabs,seismo,sun,ihnp4}!amdahl!drivax!alexande
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