[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Request for prorgram to turn PC speaker ON and OFF.

nancy@WISDOM.BITNET (Nancy Yavne) (06/21/87)

I am looking for a program ( does it have to be a TSR ? ) that
allows one to disable/enable the speaker of PC.

This must be very handy for those noisy games and other programs
that does not contain this feature.

Any suggestion, source or executable is welcomed.

Thank you.
        Thank You

        Alex Polyak

        E-mail: ihnp4!talcott!WISDOM!nancy
        uucp:   ihnp4!talcott!WISDOM!nancy
        ARPA:   nancy%wisdom.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
        BITNET: nancy@wisdom

"Petchalnee net povesti na svete
 Chem povest o Roomeo i Julete !"
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timothyb@pnet01.CTS.COM (Timothy Burleson) (06/24/87)

Alex (Nancy?),
   I posted a request for the very same thing about a month ago. (A program
that would allow control of the speaker at any time.) My speaker is very loud
and does not have a volume control. I never received any responses to my
posting. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ... could you please pass along anything you
find out? Many thanks.
Timothy B. Burleson