BP3@PSUVM.BITNET (Larry Belan) (07/23/87)
I'm about ready to consider the net a waste of my time. Does anyone read these messages? I posted the message below hoping that someone MIGHT have an answer or suggestion to make but NO ONE has even sent me a bit of assistance. I'm going to make a second attempt at the same problem, hoping that some considerate soul might have some kind of responce (Even a Bad one will do). here's the original cry for help. Subject: Help! Anyone use ScienTEX? The Center here has had the program (Version 6.57) for about a year and we're finally going to try to use it... BUT When it tries to print out the Scientific font our printer goes crazy. The program is setup for the CGA board and the Epson LQ 1500 printer and I'm trying to get get it to run on an LQ 1000. The Campus doesn't own any LQ 1500's so I'm not sure whether it's the printer causing the problems with the down-loadable fonts. I've also tried to contact the Dealer (Scientific Communications Corp. in Philedelphia) but the number has been disconnected. I'd really hate to inform my boss that this $7,000 software investment is now worthless. ANY help would be appreciated. Some more Notes That may help: I've been reading the LQ manual and it appears that when you download a font, you can only have it located in the range of Character Codes from 32 thru 126 (so you can CHR$() for a BASIC call). It looks like Scientex is trying to place characters in the locations 0 thru 126 and the characters that wont print seem to be in the area of 0 thru 31. Does the LQ 1000 hold these codes as Reserved and the LQ 1500 didn't care 'bout them. I'm no Genius and it shows. Please? ------- Lawrence (Larry) Belan ][ Computer Lab Technician/Telecommunications Aide The Pennsylvania State University bp3 @ PSUVM - bitnet The Fayette Campus 75745,242 - CompuServe Computer Center L.BELAN - GEnie Box 519, Rt. 119 North Uniontown, PA 15401 (412) 439-7428 or (412) 437-2801 ex.34