[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Fourth International FidoNet Conference

klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) (08/04/87)

                  Fourth International FidoNet Conference
                            August 20th to 23rd

	This August, FidoNet will be holding its fourth annual get
	together.  This meeting is not just for FidoNet sysops, but for
	all users and operators of public access BBS systems.  The
	topics which will be covered at this meeting may eventually
	impact all of us in the PC netwprk community, as well as
	USENET.  If you have questions, I can be reached (until 1
	September) at ..!seismo!hadron!klr or by voice at

	Kurt Reisler


                  Fourth International FidoNet Conference
                            August 20th to 23rd
                            Alexandria, Virginia

                        Tentative Conference Agenda

  I. Thursday Night
     A. 1500 Registration
     B. 1900 Welcome party
        ~  Cash bar
        ~  Free hors-douvers
     C. 2100 Deadline for IFNA Board of Directors votes

 II. Friday Morning
     A. 0900 Opening ceremonies
        ~  Ken Kaplan
           Executive Director of IFNA
        ~  Thom Henderson
           Editor of FidoNews
        ~  New Board of Directors introduced
           Bob Morris
           Chairman of Nominations and Elections Committee
     B. 1000 Report from the FidoNet Technical Standards Committee
        ~  Ryugen Fisher
           Chairman of the FTSC
        ~  Ben Baker, International Technical Coordinator
        ~  Thom Henderson
        ~  Bob Hartman
     C. 1100 High speed modems
        ~  Bob Hartman
           Chairman of the 9600 baud subcommittee
        ~  Ray Gwinn
        ~  Gee Wong

III. Break for lunch

 IV. Friday Afternoon - Technical Track
     A. 1330 Fido Version 12
        ~  Tom Jennings
           President of Fido Software
     B. 1430 Opus
        ~  Vince Perriello
           President of VEP Software
     C. 1530 TBBS
        ~  Phil Becker
           President of eSoft
     D. 1630 Dutchie
        ~  Henk Wevers
           Representing the Holland Computer Club (HCC)

  V. Friday Afternoon - Legal Track
     A. 1330 Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks
        ~  Tom Marshall, Esq.
           President of Tmmnet
     B. 1430 Amateur and Commercial Electronic Mail
        ~  Mike Cavanaugh
           Executive Director
           Electronic Mail Association

     C. 1530 Legal Aspects of Electronic Mail
        ~  Philip M. Walker
           Vice President and Regulatory Council
           Telenet Communications Corporation
     D. 1630 Legal Issues Arising for BBS Sysops
        ~  Rees Morrison
           Sysop, Author, and member of the Bar
        ~  Jonathan Wallace
           Sysop of Compuserve Law SIG

 VI. Banquet
     A. 1930 Dinner
     B. 2030 Speaker
        ~  George Bond
           Senior Executive Editor
           Byte Information Exchange (BIX)

VII. Saturday Morning
     A. 0900 FidoNet in North America
        ~  Ben Baker
           Zone 1 Coordinator
     B. 1000 FidoNet in Europe
        ~  Henk Wevers
           Zone 2 Coordinator
     C. 1100 FidoNet on the MacIntosh
        ~  Michael Connick
           Author of "The Mouse Exchange"

III. Luncheon
     A. 1200 Lunch
     B. 1300 Speaker
        ~  To Be Announced
           Chairman of the Board of Directors

 IX. Saturday Afternoon
     A. 1330 Routing
        ~  Ben Baker
     B. 1430 Extended Addressing: Zones and Points
        ~  Thom Henderson
        ~  Henk Wevers
     C. 1530 Future Directions for EchoMail
        ~  Bob Hartman
        ~  Phil Becker
        ~  Gee Wong
        ~  Thom Henderson
     D. 1630 The FidoNet<=>UseNet Gateway
        ~  Tim Pozar
           SYSOP at KLOK FM in San Francisco

  X. Sunday
     A. 1000 IFNA Board of Directors meeting
        ~  Open to all IFNA members
           Pre-registration required
        ~  Breakfast will be served


                  FidoNet Conference Information

Your  participation  will  help  to  ensure  a   successful   and
informative conference.  Send in your registration form NOW.

The  registration  form for the conference does not include hotel
accommodations.  The conference will be held at the Radisson Mark
Plaza Hotel.  If you wish to stay  there  you  must  contact  the
hotel directly.

                    Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel
            5000 Seminary Road., Alexandria, VA  22311

Mention  that  you  are  with the FidoNet Conference and you will
receive discounted room rates.  The Radisson has agreed to extend
these rates for any who wish to stay on after the conference  and
visit   our   nation's   capital.   The  Radisson  provides  free
transportation to and from National Airport any time of the  day.
A  Metro stop (subway) at the airport will give you access to the
Smithsonian,  the  Zoo,  and  other  national  landmarks  in  the

Room Rates for the Conference:

    Single or Double Occupancy:                   $80.00 /night
    One additional cot in a room:                 $20.00/night
    Children under 17 accompanied by an adult:    Free

If  you wish to share a room and need a roommate,  please contact
Brian Hughs at 109/634.  He will help you find someone to share a
room with.

There  are  four  restaurants  in  the  Radisson   ranging   from
relatively "inexpensive" to "very,  very, expensive".  The sysops
in net  109  are  compiling  a  list  of  establishments  in  the
surrounding  neighborhood which will be available when you get to
the conference.  During the Conference there will be a Banquet on
Friday night and a luncheon on Saturday.  If you  are  interested
in   attending   these,   don't  forget  to  mark  them  on  your
registration form.


                         OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM
                         RADISSON MARK PLAZA HOTEL
                              ALEXANDRIA, VA.
                            AUGUST 20 - 23, 1987

         Name _________________________________     Date _____________
         Address ______________________________
         City & State _________________________
         Phone (Voice) ________________________
         Net/Node Number ______________________
         Phone (Data) _________________________

         Number in Your Party _________________
         Staying at the Radisson? _____________
         Number of Rooms? _____________________
         Arrival Date? ________________________
         Departure Date? ______________________

     Registration Fees:                         How Many        Total

         Full Conference        $60.00 each     ________    $________
         Late registration      $10.00 each     ________    $________
              (after Aug. 1)

         Friday Night Banquet   $30.00 each     ________    $________
         Saturday Luncheon      $16.50 each     ________    $________

         Total Amount Included (Registration and Meals)     $________

         How many in your party will
         be attending the Sunday morning
         Board of Directors meeting?            ________

     Send your registration form and a check or money order to:

                  Fourth International FidoNet Conference
                 212 E. Capitol St., Washington, D.C. 20003
               Attn: Brian H. Hughes -- voice: (202) 543-4200

     Brian can now take your registration over the phone and most
     major forms of plastic are being accepted.

     This registration form does not include hotel  accomodations.  If
     you wish to stay at the Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel, please contact
     them  directly  and  mention you are with the FidoNet Conference.
     Conference  room  rates  are  $80/night  for  single  or   double
     occupancy, and $20/night for an extra cot.

                         Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel
                 5000 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, Va.  22311