(tom reingold) (08/12/87)
There was discussion on the net from people who were having trouble bringing up PC-DOS 3.3 from their hard disks. It seems that it would boot from a floppy but not a hard. I ignored those messages because they did not pertain to me. Now they do and I would like to know how the problems were resolved. The system is an old AT, made by IBM. It has the old keyboard and I would bet that it is the original system, with a 6 Mhz crystal. I have booted DOS 3.1 and 3.2, both from a floppy. Then I typed A>sys c: A>copy c: The computer would not boot from the hard disk, either with Ctrl-Alt-Delete or with the red switch. I rebooted from a floppy, which it would do gladly with any version of DOS, be it 3.1, 3.2, or 3.3. I then renamed the config.sys file to something else to make sure that that was not a problem. Still nothing. Any ideas? Thanks much. Tom Reingold INTERNET: UUCP: {seismo,ihnp4,ucbvax,decvax}!bellcore!tr {ulysses,allegra,clyde,princeton}!bellcore!tr