[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Protection problem real??

news@santra.UUCP (news) (08/14/87)

In article <320@l5comp.UUCP> scotty@l5comp.UUCP (Scott Turner) writes:
]Why? Intel goofed once again in it's architectural design. The chip IS NOT
]fully protected while running in protected mode. A user level program can
]bring the chip, and all the other users on that chip, down quite easily.
]And there's not a DAMN thing the OS writer can do about it.
Is this true or just a piece of net misinformation?  Could someone say
how this might happen?

	/Jerry Lahti

clif@intelca.UUCP (Clif Purkiser) (08/17/87)

> In article <320@l5comp.UUCP> scotty@l5comp.UUCP (Scott Turner) writes:
> ]
> ]Why? Intel goofed once again in it's architectural design. The chip IS NOT
> ]fully protected while running in protected mode. A user level program can
> ]bring the chip, and all the other users on that chip, down quite easily.
> ]And there's not a DAMN thing the OS writer can do about it.
> ]
> Is this true or just a piece of net misinformation?  Could someone say
> how this might happen?
> 	/Jerry Lahti

I suspect that Mr. Turner is spreading disinformation (sounds like he
has a promising future in politics).  

I challenge Mr. Turner to produce user code that will crash a 386 system.  
To make the challenge even more interesting I will give him a $100 if he 
succeeds, if he fails, he promises to stop insulting Intel products for 1
year.  The conditions are straightforward he produces the user code that 
crashes the system, I describe the behavior of the OS which prevents his
code from crashing the system.

Well Scott do you accept?
Clif Purkiser, Intel, Santa Clara, Ca.

These views are my own property.  However anyone who wants them can have 
them for a nominal fee.

davidsen@steinmetz.steinmetz.UUCP (William E. Davidsen Jr) (08/18/87)

>> In article <320@l5comp.UUCP> scotty@l5comp.UUCP (Scott Turner) writes:
| Why? Intel goofed once again in it's architectural design. The chip IS NOT
| fully protected while running in protected mode. A user level program can
| bring the chip, and all the other users on that chip, down quite easily.
| And there's not a DAMN thing the OS writer can do about it.

I have sent Mr Turner two Email letters requesting that he demonstrate
this, or retract it. I believe that it is true of the 80286, but doesn't
seem to be for the 386. I think this whole claim is the product of an
overloaded undergraduate mind.

Personal to Mr Turner:
  My cow is dead, I don't need your bull!

	bill davidsen		(wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
  {chinet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me