( David Artus ) (08/20/87)
Does anyone know of, or better still has used, a graphics card for a PC which when used under MS/PC DOS allows mixed TEXT and GRAPHICS displays, AND which also :- . is IBM mono compatible . has the same format for the text attribute byte regardless of whether graphics are currebly being displayed. . can be used without requiring windowing software. Any ideas welcome, Thanks. -- Regards, Dave Artus < or mcvax!datlog!djna>
vg55611@ihuxy.ATT.COM (gopal) (08/22/87)
In article <>, ( David Artus ) writes: > Does anyone know of, or better still has used, a graphics card for a > PC which when used under MS/PC DOS allows mixed TEXT and GRAPHICS displays, > AND which also :- > . is IBM mono compatible > . has the same format for the text attribute byte regardless of > whether graphics are currebly being displayed. > . can be used without requiring windowing software. The AT&T/OLIVETTI Display Enhancement Board allows overlaid text and graphics. Don't know if it will work in a pc other than a 6300/6300plus/6310. It should do what you want. Venu P. Gopal ihnp4!ihuxy!vg55611