phil@sci.UUCP (Phil Kaufman) (08/22/87)
I have been watching with interest all of the discussion on the net regarding the history of the PC and its use of Intel microprocessors. I have also enjoyed the various semi-religious arguments about computer architectures and related topics. I can't speak for IBM as to why they chose the 8088 for the first PC, but I can give you some very informed historical information mixed with a lot of personal biases. I was in charge of much of the strategic planning for Intel in the late 70's and was General Manager of the Microprocessor Operation in the early 80's. Consequently, I do know at least a little about what went on. The architecture of the 8088/8086 was frozen in the middle of 1976! At that time all of the available useful software for personal computer use resided either on Apple II 6502 or on 8080/8085/Z80 under CP/M. No one but Apple really saw any future for 6502s. It was critically important for Intel both to leverage the software base that existed in the 8080/8085/Z80 arena and the familiarity of designers with the prior existing software and hardware. It was also important to extend the capabilities of microprocessors dramatically if the underlying semiconductor technology was to be fully exploited into large market growth. There was absolutely no desire to build yet another nice clean plain vanilla architecture just because it could be done. From these considerations came the 8088/8086 and its progeny. The 8088 was created because 8-bit systems were quite adequate for many applications, most all peripherals were 8-bits, and 8-bit systems had a cost advantage. However, it was made absolutely compatible with the 8086 because clearly the world was moving towards 16 bits - 32 bits was still in the far future. (The 8088 was exactly an 8086 with the addition of a byte multiplexer. It cost more than an 8086 to build and was sold for much less that an 8086 in order to develop the market.) One of the things that has always, and still does, distinguish Intel from its competitors is that Intel builds chip sets that make computers while others build microprocessors. This is a much more critical distinction than might be apparent. On the day that the 8088/8086 was first offered a complete set of chips was available to build an entire computer. To do so required that the 8088/8086 bus architecture be made reasonably compatible with many of the existing 8085 peripheral chips. Motorola had, at best, a CPU chip! Anyone wanting a well integrated low end computer, i.e. a personal computer, had to chose Intel. Only the bigger more expensive 'workstations' could afford the lack of integration of any other choice. The development of the 8087 floating point processor was an integral part of the Intel plan. This effort began in 1974 and included the investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars on consulting from the world's best numerical analysis people and the development of what is now the IEEE standard. No one else comes close even today. The availability of the 8087, even if a particular product didn't need it, was a key factor in many choices to use the 8088/8086. Another thing that distinguished Intel was the focus on software and the tools necessary to develop computers and applications. Intel had an operating system, development systems, In Circuit Emulators, evaluation boards, etc. No one else came close. Intel spent enormous energy getting 8-bit software converted to the 8088/8086. That isn't a lot of software by today's standards but it was the majority of what was available and its existence effected a lot of decisions. It was the 8-bit software that gave the 8088/8086 a kick-start and left all others in the dust. ( IBM would have really used CP/M for the PC if DRI hadn't refused to give them a good OEM deal. Microsoft was smart enough to understand who set standards and to effectively give an operating system to IBM and make their money off of all of the other vendors who followed IBM. ) An aside on computer architectures: Intel deliberately elected not to build a "micro-PDP11 or micro-VAX" as Motorola and others did. It was felt that to do so would only be a half step towards the real future and that a bolder more risky step should be made. Thus, many tens of millions of dollars were invested in the 432. Remember the 432? It was a multiprocessor object oriented total departure from any prior architecture machine. And, it was a flop. It was a high risk, potentially high reward strategy that didn't pan out. Nice clean architectures are esthetically pleasing. No one, not even Intel, thought that the 8088/8086 had a "nice" architecture - just that it was good for the times. National had a much nicer architecture than Motorola and you see where it got them. So, when it came time to decide on a new microprocessor for a new product people had a choice of the whole solution from Intel (with an ugly architecture) or a microprocessor chip (with a nice clean architecture) from several others. Which would you have chosen to make your product successful? Which reason actually swayed IBM I don't know. But, I don't think there was any other real choice available. The story went on with the 80286. Again, the focus was on solving the whole problem and recognizing the realities in the world in terms of both existing software and new needs. The 80286 was so compatible that to this day few people have written any 80286 unique software, electing instead to spread their development efforts over the 8088/8086/80186/80286 all at once by writing to the lowest common denominator. Too bad, a lot of great software could have been done that never will be. Both the 80286 and the 80386 recognize the issue of memory management. You simply can't have a lot of memory and modern software without memory management. Only if memory management is on chip is it both fast and standard for all computers built. Look at the 68XXX. Every builder invented his own memory management and no two systems are really compatible even though the have the same CPU chip. I think there are several lessons in all of this history, and opinion. People by and large buy solutions to problems not technical delights. Of the over 5 million PCs sold, I'd wager that under 1 percent of the users know what the CPU instruction set is. So, who really cares if it is elegant? Just us few folks that have to write the low level software - and we don't buy many machines. In fact, we'll write software for anything if the result is that we can sell our software to a large installed base. So, the PC world is dominated by Intel and it is going to stay that way for a long time to come. Phil Kaufman