[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Leaving Protected Mode on the 80286

ballou@maypo.berkeley.edu (Kenneth R. Ballou) (08/27/87)

	Several months ago, I was experimenting with protected mode of
the 80286 and produced some demonstration routines to show how to enter
and leave protected mode.  (If anyone is interested in these routines, I
will be happy to send them, or post them if demand seems to warrant it.)

	Here are some fragments of the code.


This code is executed in real mode before entering protected mode.  The
idea is to save a segment:offset address in the doubleword located at
40H:67H which specifies where you wish to resume operation when returning
from protected mode.  Also, save the current SS:SP in known locations.
(Of course, if you write over any of these locations in protected mode
operation, YOU LOSE!)

; Prepare for the big return.  If the shutdown status byte in CMOS is
; 5, the BIOS will do a far return to the address located at 40H:67H.
; At the time of the return, interrupts will be cleared.

	MOV	SAVED_SS,SS		; save current SS:SP for re-entry
	MOV	ES:[0067H],OFFSET BACK	; set up far pointer to re-entry code
	MOV	ES:[0069H],CS


This is the code called in protected mode to reset the 80286.  Byte 15 in the
CMOS memory contains a "shutdown byte" which tells the BIOS the reason for
the shutdown.  It happens that if this byte is 5, then this is a shutdown
request for returning from protected mode.  After suitable re-initialization
of the hardware, control will be transferred to the location stored at
40H:67H.  (In particular, the memory check is not done.)

	CLI				; probably a good idea
	MOV	AL,8FH			; write CMOS byte F (hex), disable NMI
	OUT	70H,AL			; port 70H:  select CMOS byte address
	MOV	AL,5			; shutdown status 5: just return far
	OUT	71H,AL			; port 71H: read/write CMOS byte
	MOV	AL,0FEH			; a magic cookie, causes 80286 reset
	OUT	64H,AL			; port 64H is connected to the keyboard
$SH001:	JMP	$SH001			; wait for reset


Finally, here is the code executed upon returning from protected mode.
The only thing restored is CS:IP.  Interrupts are disabled.

BACK:	MOV	AX,REALDATA		; re-establish DS
	MOV	SS,SAVED_SS		; restore the stack
	MOV	AL,0BCH	; mask to restore keyboard, timer, and disk interrupts
	OUT	21H,AL	; Port 21H talks to the 8259A interrupt controller
	STI		; finally!

Kenneth Ballou		(ballou@bosco.berkeley.edu)