[comp.sys.ibm.pc] dirstack implementation for MKS Toolkit ksh

keithe@tekgvs.TEK.COM (Keith Ericson) (08/27/87)

We have an implementation of directory-stack scheme that runs as a BSD
systems ksh script; it takes a little modification to work with the MKS
ksh. Here it is, with extensions to print the current path as the prompt
string. It's not real fast, but how fast does a directory-stack manipulation
scheme have to be, anyway? :-) But you can _easily_ modify it to do whatever
you want it to...

Use the command

	sed 's/^V^I^V^I*#.*//^V^J/^$/d' 

on this file to clean it up a bit (discard explanatory comments and blank
lines). (^V = control-V; ^I = control-I (= tab); ^J = control-J)
(^$ = shift-6 shift-4) (Ain't ASCII fun?)

(This is all kind of assuming that you're set up with sh.exe as the command
interpreter. At least, that's how I have my machine set up. It looks like a
(single-user, single-tasking) UNIX environment, complete with login: and
Password: prompts. (MKS does not include password-based file protection,

Not a shar file.
# directory stack routines.

# Bottom of stack is 0 and top of stack (TOS) is at ddepth.

# Original for BSD ksh by David C. Stewart, Tektronix Inc., 7/31/85
# Modified for MKS Toolkit ksh by Keith Ericson, Tektronix Inc., 8/27/87

# This is yours to uses as you see fit. It might be nice to give credit
#   where credit is due, however...

typeset dstack[0]=$HOME			# dstack is a string array of dir-names
typeset -i ddepth=0			# ddepth marks the current depth of the
					#   dir-name string-array
typeset -i index			# an oft-used counter

function dirs {				# print out the directory stack, with
	index=$ddepth			#   TOS on the left
	while [ $index -ge 0 ]
		print -n ${dstack[index]} ''
		(( index=index-1 ))

function pushd {			# manipulate the directory stack:
	if [ $1 ]			#   pushd with no argument swaps the
	then				#   top two stack elements (and "cd's"
		if [ $1 != ${1#+} ]	#   to the new TOS name.
		then			#   "pushd dir-name" places that name
			integer index=${1#+}
			'cd' ${dstack[ddepth]}
			dirs		#   on the top of the stack and "cd's"
			unset tmp	#   to it.
		else			#
		'cd' $1			#   "pushd +n"  exchanges the TOS 
		dstack[$ddepth+1]=$PWD	#    with element n.
		(( ddepth=ddepth+1 ))
		if [ $ddepth -eq 0 ]
			echo directory stack is empty
		'cd' ${dstack[ddepth]}
kcd .

function popd {				# popd with no argument discards TOS
	if [ $ddepth -eq 0 ]		#   and "cd's" to the new top-of-
	then				#   stack dir-name.
		echo directory stack is empty
	else				# popd +n discards the nth entry
		if [ $1 ]		#   from the stack (shifting higher
		then	if	[ $1 != ${1#+} ]
			then		#   elements down to fill the gap).
				integer index=$1
				while [ $index -lt $ddepth ]
				do	dstack[$index]=${dstack[index+1]}
					(( index=index+1 ))
			else	echo pushd: +n argument only
		(( ddepth=ddepth-1 ))
		'cd' ${dstack[ddepth]}
kcd .
HOST=`uname -n`				# HOST is defined for the prompt string.
					#   I include it because I use so many
					#   different machines that I'll lose
					#   track if I don't... - kde

function kcd {				# kcd is the new cd function. It takes
	if [ $1 ]			#   care of updating the prompt-string
	then				#   to display the hostname followed by
		'cd' $1			#   the current path name. Two versions
		dstack[$ddepth]=$PWD	#   are selectable:
	else				#
		'cd'			#    1) //machine/dir1/dir2/..
		dstack[$ddepth]=$HOME	#
	fi				#    2) machine:/dir1/dir2...
PS1="//${HOST}${PWD#?:}> "		#
# PS1="${HOST}:${PWD#?:}> "		#   Take your pick... (below, also)
}					#
					# (The ${PWD#?:} construct eliminates
					#   the drive-designator from the
					#   prompt-string.)

alias cd='kcd'
alias sd='pushd'			# shorthand to swap top entries of
					#   dirstack and chdir to new TOS

alias rd='pushd +1 ; pushd +2 '		# rot dirstack (ala Forth 'rot' word)

PS1="//${HOST}${PWD#?:}> "
# PS1="${HOST}:${PWD#?:}> "

# end of directory stack routines