[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Wells American Problems

ir332@sdcc6.ucsd.EDU (Jeff Miller) (09/02/87)

   I have been having two problems expanding my Wells American AT clone,
   and I would be interested in hearing from others who have
   successfully accomplished either expansion on this machine (model
   200, 6-8 MHz) or also had the same problems:

   1.  Installing a memory board.  RAMvantage doesn't seem to work with
   any combination of switch settings on the motherboard or card. I
   either get IO parity errors and the system halts on boot (at the
   address the board is set to start at), or the system just doesn't
   recognize the memory on the board.  The setup program tells me I
   have 640K base memory & 384K extended, regardless of any switch
   settings anywhere.

   2.  Installing a floppy tape controller.  I have been trying to
   get an Irwin 110 type of tape to work, but there seems to be some
   incompatibility between it and the Wells floppy controller.  I
   got the extra board one is supposed to use to install the 110 in
   an AT compatible, but to no avail.  With this board in and the
   floppies hooked to it, neither tape nor floppies can be accessed.
   (I don't think it is relevant, but I do have 1 1.2 floppy & 1 360K.)
        Jeff Miller        ARPA: ir332@sdcc6.ucsd.edu
	U. C. San Diego
	Dept Psychology, C-009
        La Jolla, CA  92093