[comp.sys.ibm.pc] help with bad directory entry

swh@hpsmtc1.HP.COM (Steve Harrold) (09/15/87)

Re: Bad directory entry

Whenever you get a "strange" character in a filename in a directory,
try something like this to shake it out:

	erase fin?

The wild card notation should fool the command interpreter.

Steve Harrold			...hplabs!hpsmtc1!swh
				(408) 447-5580

ferneau@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (09/16/87)

To get rid of a file with a bad name, some low-level directory editing
is in order. None of the High-level (ACSIIZ) dos function calls will work.
You need a utility like Norton Utilities (NU) or PC Tools to do the editing.

What you do is call up the disk sector containing the actual directory
entries using the sector/disk editor of one of the above-mentioned 
programs. Then, using your cursor keys to position yourself over the
offending filename, you change it to something non-ambiguous in UPPER
CASE LETTERS ONLY. By non-ambiguous I mean that you should make sure
that the name you choose as the replacement name is UNIQUE, vis. doesn't
exist in the directory in which you are working. Be sure to use only upper 
case letters, or else you'll only have a variant of the problem you have
now. (DOS's functions are all converted to upper case). Once you have
changed the name to something appropriate (NO MORE THAN 11 CHARC), just
save the sector and exit the program.

Now, if it is a directory, you should be able to CD to it, or, if a file,
you should be able to type it. In any case, you should be able to get rid
of it. (If not, leave me a message and I'll tell you how to expurgate it
from your system permanantly!)

Nick Cline
InterNet: ferneau@silver.bacs.indiana.edu
UUCP: ...! ihnp4 ! iuvax ! silver ! ferneau
ATT: 812.331.0543
