[comp.sys.ibm.pc] High density drives that can write in low density

eravin@dasys1.UUCP (09/30/87)

Rumor has it that there exists, somewhere out there in the sea of
peripherals and ribbon cables, a 1.2m (high density) disk drive whose
manufacturer guarantees that it can reliably write on low density diskettes
(360k).  Does anyone have a name/address/phone number for this alleged
manufacturer?  Our high density drives here will write a 360k diskette
properly (by properly, I mean that the intended destination machine will be
able to read it) about 80% of the time and this just isn't good enough.
The lure of this rumored drive is that one does not lose the high density
functionality in order to obtain the abiity to write low density diskettes,
as buying a 360k only disk drive would do.

Please email your responses, as I don't ordinarilly read this group (I can
barely keep up with the traffic on alt.cyberpunk).  My apologies if this
topic has already been covered here to exhaustion.