[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Compaq Desk pro I/O problems

mechgam@tness1.UUCP (6958) (10/07/87)

Comm 2 was factory installed in the Compaq Desk Pro 4.  The comm 2 serial board
includes the universal clock.  When installing comm 1 the computer can 
dial out through comm 1, but does not receive connect message or data when
using Xenix or Dos.  We have tried different cards from different 
vendors, we currently using a Boca card.  The DB-9 to RS-232 cable has been
checked on another compaq and works fine. Comm 2 works fine also.  What 
could be the problem.  Any suggestions would be great.  

Thanks in advance!

Rick Fosburgh
Southwestern Bell Telephone
Gary A. Mink
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.
(713) 521-6958