[comp.sys.ibm.pc] TurboC question: How do I use external libraries with TC?

tr@wind.bellcore.com (tom reingold) (10/08/87)

State-of-being: rather awake

The subject line pretty much says it.  I want to use the integrated
environment, i.e. TC.EXE.  I want to be able to link with Turbo's
standard libraries *plus* my libraries that I use for graphics.  I
know how to do this with MAKE but when I follow the instructions on
page 68 of the user's guide, I get "undefine symbol" messages all over
the place.


Thank you very large.

Tom Reingold 			INTERNET:       tr@bellcore.bellcore.com
Bell Communications Research	UUCP: 		<backbone>!bellcore!tr
435 South St room 2L350		SOUNDNET:	(201) 829-5119 [work]
Morristown, NJ 07960				(201) 287-2345 [home]

ching@amd.AMD.COM (Mike Ching) (10/10/87)

In article <2964@bellcore.bellcore.com> tr@wind.UUCP (tom reingold) writes:
>The subject line pretty much says it.  I want to use the integrated
>environment, i.e. TC.EXE.

Under the Options/Linker menu, turn on Default libraries. Put your
libraries in the library directory specified under the Options/
Environment menu. Linking under the integrated environment is on
page 49.

mike ching