lowey@sask.UUCP (Kevin Lowey) (09/29/87)
Hi, The above four files are documentation and program files for MSTIBT, Kermit version 2.29 with Tektronics 40xx terminal emulation. I was going to mail this to whoever asked, but I've had about 20 requests so far (and I only posted my offer three days ago) so I figured it would be better to post it on the net. Enjoy, Kevin Lowey
palmer@oodis01.ARPA (Jim Palmer) (10/06/87)
In article <876@sask.UUCP> lowey@sask.UUCP (Kevin Lowey) writes: >Hi, > The above four files are documentation and program files for MSTIBT, >Kermit version 2.29 with Tektronics 40xx terminal emulation. I was going >to mail this to whoever asked, but I've had about 20 requests so far (and >I only posted my offer three days ago) so I figured it would be better to >post it on the net. > >Enjoy, >Kevin Lowey >>>>WARNING WILL ROBINSON, WARNING<<<< Those interested in using the kermit files recently posted to comp.sys.ibm.pc may want to read the following which I gleaned from an afternoon's perusal of the voluminous documentation files: [The following is excerpted from the file MSTIBT.DOC:] ========================================================================= Syntax: SET TERMINAL parameter [value] [stuff ommitted for brevity] TEKTRONIX A Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal. Only available on TI and Victor ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ PCs. ^^^ [...] 1.7. What's Missing Kermit-MS has plenty of room for improvement. Features that need to be im- proved or added include: [more stuff ommitted] - Tektronix or other graphics terminal emulation (except in TI Pro & Victor). ^^^^^^ ============================================================================= [From the file MSTIBT.MSG...] This is a version of KERMIT 2.29 with a built-in Tektronix emulator. Please note: 1. This version will work with IBM CGA graphics, or any software that emulates it. It will not work with Hercules, but should work on an EGA card, but only in CGA resolution. 2. The TEK emulation is not complete - in particular, the characters are IBM's own character set and there is no MARGIN 1. All vectors should, however, be move the cross-hairs, and SHIFT-arrow for faster movement. 3. TEK mode is entered from VT or other mode upon receipt of the sequence ESC FormFEED (hex 1B 0C); you can exit from TEK mode either when ESC-US (hex 1B 1F) is sent by the host, or by pressing the Kermit escape key (CTRL-], by default). [and from the file MSTIBT.BWR: ] ============================================================================ 3.) MSTIBT seems to be based on version 2.29 and NOT version 2.29B. This tends to be a problem since there were some bugs in 2.29 AND there were so many enhancements for version 2.29B. Hopefully soon (very soon), you will update MSTIBT to the newer versions!! ============================================================================ I deduce the following from the above: 1. The emulation of a Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal is available BUT, ONLY FOR TI PRO AND VICTOR PCS!! 2. If you have a CGA card, CGA emulator, or EGA in CGA mode (!?), then some funky escape codes may jump you into "TEK mode", whatever that may be. I could really use a true Tektronix emulator for my EGA equipped AT clone. It doesn't look like this is it, or am I just looking funny =;-) Has anybody put this version to the Tek-test, if so, HOW?? And Kevin, THANKS for posting this! I was going to request it, but knew you'd be inundated with enough requests that you'd post it. Jim Palmer - Manufacturers And Gov't Interconnected by Computers (It's MAGIC!) ============================================================================== | ARPA: palmer@oodis01.arpa | OO-ALC/PMXD, Hill AFB, UT 84056-5320 | UUCP: seismo!lognet2!oodis01!palmer | AutoVon 458-5978 | or !styx!oodis01!palmer | Commercial (801) 777-5978 |FLAME: /dev/null | =============================================================================
tj@utgpu.UUCP (10/14/87)
I am using mstibt to send this message and I know that it works in tek mode on a herc, cga and ega in cga mode on pc, xt, at, zenith, xt clones because I have used it on all of them. I haven't looked at the docs yet cause there weren't any when I snarfed it from columbia as far as I could tell. It was 2.29 (not a,b or c) with tek enhancement. Sure I hope 2.30 gets upgraded, but I am not affected by any of the 2.29 bugs so it is great for me. Try it you'll like it. tj .