[comp.sys.ibm.pc] LANs which work

zaphod@deepthot.UUCP (millions of atoms of Lance) (10/16/87)

The machines involved in this article are
	hub: Sperry IT                 \
	sattelite1: Sperry IT          |- all run dos 3.1
	sattilite2: AT&T 6300          /
	Laserwriter+: attached to COM1 of the hub

We purchased Server Technology's EZLAN product (ver. 2.00) and it
served as a fine LAN for the hub and one satellite.  Both could access
the laserwriter, from MSC Word, text from the satellite was spooled
until the hub finished and was then printed.  Basically it worked exactly as 
a LAN should.

We purchased a 6300, and  Server Technologies "com 6" product - basically
a board which gives you 6 extra com ports at the cost of an interrupt (7).

The LAN still worked fine, all the satellites accessed the laser, UNLESS
all 3 tried at near-to the same time.  In that situation, the hub printed
and both satelittes deadlocked until I rebooted one.  Server Tech
has assured me that this should NOT happen with EZLAN.  Hah.

After confusing the network like that, I tried normal access to the
satelites from the hub and got "communications error".  A wrap test showed
no fault with the cables or the satellites, just the 6 extra ports on the
hub.  So I rebooted all three machines only to discover that the ROM BIOS
on the hub was now toasted and the hub would not recognize the C: drive.

The Sperry h/w man came over, replaced the chip and voila! the hub lived.
I immediatly tried to access a sattelite from the hub (via the 6 port
board) and again got a "communications error". Fine, we will reboot all
three machines (since that is the usual remedy when EZLAN gets upset)
and again the ROM BIOS chip was burnt.  The hub went to the

After a new chip and a 24hr  diagnostic run, the sperry repair depot 
said that the hub machine was  fine.  Server Tech states that while the
board may be broken there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that it (the board) could
be toasting chips.  In theory I agree, however that is not how it appears
to be in life.

Now that the hub is back, I installed the h/w for the network, and still,
any pc attached to a com-6 port can not be accesed by the hub.  A COM2
connection works fine, but nothing on the "com-6" board.

Server Tech's response is "send us the board and if it's broke, we
will replace it, and at the same time why don't you upgrade to EZLAN 3.00
by sending us the manuals?"

Before we put any more money  into S.T.'s  pocket, since we are about
to add 3 more sattelites to our LAN, I want to know 

	1) does any one out there use EZLAN (succesfully or not)
	2) does any one out there use ANY low-cost LAN with > 3 machines

e-mail responses please.
humbly yours,  Lance Bailey 
               Univ. Western Ontario         |   Robart's Research Institute
               Dept. of Computer Science     |   Clinical Trials Unit
               Graduate Studies              |   PO Box 5015
               London, Canada                |   London, Canada
               N6A 5B7                       |   N6A 5K8

		-or-  zaphod@deepthot.uucp