[comp.sys.ibm.pc] EGA Graphics and Music

jmc@ttrdf.UUCP (Jan Clairmont) (11/04/87)

I have an PC xt clone I put together.  I am currently running the
Jim Miller Personal Composer.  Which does an adequate job does anyone
have a music composition program that runs a midi, they would recommend.
The Personal composer software has a number of annoying bugs and no
glisando capability which is annoying.  I put in classical music to accompany
myself while I sing, and I have to simplify the score, which is esthetically
annoying and musically dull!  There may be a macro out there to produce them,
anyone know?

I am also in the market for some decent animation for my EGA monitor.  I know
AMIGA has a great package, is there anything eqiv. for the PC and an EGA
any direction pointing would be helpful.  People at Egghead Software and the
other places are totally ignorant about any of this -- very annoying.  I have
read the Midi Review and Music mags but they are computer dolts.

I am particularly interested in combining music and animation.
I do not want to re-invent the wheel, my time is more valuble to me than 
hacking code.  This is just a semi-serious hobby anyway.  It would be 
much more enjoyable with some better tools.

Jan (312) 982-3021

Oh if anyone has any music already composed for the Jim Miller Personal
Composer or arrangements of classical music,  Arias or whatever maybe we 
could swap?