[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Followup to MS-Windows assault: Some Gory Details

zeus@stratix.UUCP (Mark Mullin) (11/05/87)

After receiving mail concerning my attack on MS-Windows, I am following
up my original posting with some specifics.

1: The departure from the standard C environment

	MS has tightly coupled the graphics display functions of windows
to a non-preemptive multitasking service library.  You cannot ignore it
or leave it out of the system and it's presence requires that the compiler
write specialized preludes to all of the compiled routines.  This makes
it tough to use certain libraries and preprocessing systems with Windows
(eg: Objective C).  The reason that Windows applications are taking so
long to appear is that complete new toolsets are still being ported to
the Windows environment.  Many existing Windows applications are based
on previously existing code ported to the windows environment, often
with great pain.

2: Any piece of windows means you take the WHOLE thing
	While many programs benefit from multitasking a la Windows, some
could give a hoot.  You are forced to accept the entire Windows control
environment when you develop any application.  Windows is far more than
a graphics display flib, regardless of the pgmrs desires.
	This introduces a lot of system overhead.  So, while Windows is
nice for making little tools, it's pretty poor when dealing with 
larger projects, unless of course you wish to hard code the entire
system design for the MS environment, which doesn't produce the worlds
most portable code.  We have Smalltalk and LISP packages we are moving
to the PC from UNIX, and we would like to PORT them, not completely
re-engineer them.

3: MS isn't playing nice
	When we aquired windows, we subscribed to MS Dial, an expense
of about $450 bucks, + Telenet.  You have to do this, since phone
service keeps telling you that they can't answer questions but Dial
can.  Dial is a nice trick.  MS provides the computer, users post
problems and then solve them themselves.  MS doesn't even say thanks.
	We also have an account on CSERVE, where MS has a company
sponsored SIG including Windows.  Funny, but MS doesn't even bother
to ensure that knowledge is equally represented on both Dial and CSERVE.
You get bits and pieces on each.
	MS has made many promises about the upward compatibility of 
Windows, and the development schedule.  Well, Windows 386 is out, and
they said otherwise.  The presentation manager calls on the PS-2 are
different than Windows, and they said otherwise.

4: Similarity between Windows & Mac environment
	Some commented on the similarity between the Windows
system and the Mac.  This is true.  The MAC is built using Object Oriented
(OO) programming as a basis. Windows does exhibit an OO oriented
architecture.  However, MS denies that they have ever heard of Objects,
Smalltalk, etc. Hmmm.

5: Stupid Things
		The include file that must be read in to every
		windows program is quite large and significantly
		increases compile time.  When you take a 50+ module
		system this grows to an insane amount of time.
	B: Pascal Calling Conventions
		All of the functions in your program that windows
		will call, and all of the windows control functions
		are defined using PASCAL calling conventions.  For
		a package apparently designed for the C environment,
		this is a strange action.
	C: Debugging
		While I commend Microsoft for realizing that debugging
		would best be done on a secondary display, they provide
		symdeb as the development package.  Why can't they 
		adapt CodeView for a dumb terminal.  I don't care about
		the graphic display, its the symbolic referance
		capabilities I want.

If desired, I will beat any one or more of these issues to death.

Mark Mullin @ Stratix Inc

DISCLAIMER: Microsoft(MS) is a trademarked name (i believe) and Windows
		refers to a proprietary product of theirs.

Scientis who dislike the restraints of highly organized research like to
remark that a truly great research worker needs only three pieces of
equipment; a pencil, a piece of paper, and a brain ... But they quote
this maxim more at academic banquets than at budget hearings.
				Don Price