gsk@khaki (11/17/87)
i'd like to hear net people's opinions about the relative importance of various dot matrix graphics standards. i'd like to maximize the compatiblity with of my programs with all the installed dot matrix printers in the world and, at the same time, minimize time spent implementing each manufacturer's graphics formats. ideally, i'd like to hear something like: "if you support IBM's model XXX and Epson's model YYY you'll cover 75% of the installed base of dot matrix printers," though i'm not really that optimistic. sources for the technical details (e.g. escape sequences, data formats, etc.) would also be most welcome. George S. Kong, Silicon Graphics, Inc., (415)962-3281 ...{decwrl,allegra,sun,adobe,ucbvax,pyramid,ames}!sgi!gsk