[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Cursing at the .....

wb8foz@netsys.UUCP (11/24/87)

I don't want to turn the *&%* thing on or off.
I want IT to stop turning off and on and off and on....
In other words, how do I get a Herc. MDA cursor to


Have you ever WATCHED cable TV, Judge Kennedy?

agollum@engr.uky.edu (David Herron aka Admiral Gollum) (11/25/87)

In article <1716@netsys.UUCP> {decuac}!wb8foz@netsys.UUCP (David Lesher,Contributor) writes:
>I don't want to turn the *&%* thing on or off.
>I want IT to stop turning off and on and off and on....
>In other words, how do I get a Herc. MDA cursor to

Well, the Amiga 2000's Ms-Dos window's cursor can be set not to blink :-)
but for the rest of us, you'll have to cut a trace on the circuit board.

Kenneth Herron

831059l@aucs.UUCP (11/25/87)

In article <1716@netsys.UUCP> {decuac}!wb8foz@netsys.UUCP (David Lesher,Contributor) writes:
>I don't want to turn the *&%* thing on or off.
>I want IT to stop turning off and on and off and on....
>In other words, how do I get a Herc. MDA cursor to

	The following is a passage taken from Peter Notons book 
"Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC" on page 92:

		"If we ever want to bypass this hardware-controlled
	blinking cursor (and many of us do), we can use the reverse-video
	display attribute (hex 70) whenever the real cursor is located.
	This will prduce a block cursor that doesn't blink. Another way to
	do this is ato use the ASCII block characters, either CHR$(219)
	or CHR$(254)."

Hope this will help.

Steven Langlois Acadia Univ. Wolfville NS Canada B0P1X0 
{uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}dalcs!aucs!831059L          UUCP

peter@aucs.UUCP (11/25/87)

>>I don't want to turn the *&%* thing on or off.
>>I want IT to stop turning off and on and off and on....
>>In other words, how do I get a Herc. MDA cursor to

There's no simple solution unfortunately from what I've been
able to learn. The only way is to turn the cursor off using
the technique posted earlier and then maintain your own cursor
using an inverse video block character. The cleanest way to do
this is to write an interrupt routine that accesses global
cursor coorinates and periodically writes out this inverse block
at the proper location. Once you have this interrupt routine
in place, it will act transparently. Not a nice solution, but
its the best way I can think of...

Peter Steele Acadia Univ. Wolfville NS Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121
UUCP:{uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}dalcs!aucs!Peter BITNET:Peter@Acadia