[comp.sys.ibm.pc] AT and OS/2

cy03+@andrew.cmu.edu (Chao-Ping Yang) (11/24/87)

Can somebody tell me if OS/2 will run on AT's?  I have some trouble
comparing the AT bus and MCA.
==Chaoping Yang

todd@uhccux.UUCP (The Perplexed Wiz) (11/25/87)

In article <AVeEluy00W01EIs07f@andrew.cmu.edu> cy03+@andrew.cmu.edu (Chao-Ping Yang) writes:
>Can somebody tell me if OS/2 will run on AT's?  I have some trouble
>comparing the AT bus and MCA.

From IBM's 17NOV87 Customer Announcement Letter Summary:

	The IBM Operating System/2 supports the IBM Personal System/2
	Models 50, 60, and 80, the Personal Computer AT, and the IBM
	Personal Computer XT Model 286.

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii Faculty Development Program
UUCP:		{ihnp4,uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA:		uhccux!todd@nosc.MIL		BITNET: todd@uhccux

hundt@wind.UUCP (11/25/87)

>Can somebody tell me if OS/2 will run on AT's?  I have some trouble
>comparing the AT bus and MCA.

That's the whole point... IBM is trying to fool everyone into thinking
that OS/2 requires PS/2... which is not the case.

The answer is "yes" it should.

 /-^-\  Thomas M. Hundt / BELLCORE Morristown NJ / hundt@bellcore.bellcore.com
 |   |  {seismo|ihnp4|ucbvax|decvax|ulysses|allegra|clyde}!bellcore!hundt