[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Interrupt list 2 of 3

ralf@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (Ralf Brown) (12/06/87)

Remove headers and trailers and sandwich between parts 1 and 3.

This part continues INT 21/AH=25

        AL = interrupt number
        DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt
INT 21 - Create PSP
        AH = 26h
        DX = Segment number to set up PSP at
Current PSP is copied to specified segment
        AH = 27h
        DS:DX = address of FCB
        CX = number of records to be read
Return: AL =
            0 = successful read
            1 = end of file
            2 = data transfer area too small
            3 = partial record, EOF
        AH = 28h
        DS:DX = address of FCB
        CX = number of records to be written
             if zero, truncate file to current random file position
Return: AL =
            0 = successful write
            1 = disk full
            2 = data transfer area too small
INT 21 - Parse Filename
        AH = 29h
        DS:SI = pointer to string to parse
        ES:DI = pointer to memory to fill with unopened FCB
        AL = bit mask to control parsing
            0 = 0: parsing stops if file separator found
                1: leading separator ignored
            1 = 0: drive number in FCB set to default drive if not present
                   in string
                1: drive number in FCB not changed
            2 = 0: filename in FCB set to blanks if no filename in string
                1: filename in FCB not changed if string does not contain 
                   a filename
            3 = 0: extension in FCB set to blanks if no extension in string
                1: extension left unchanged
Return: AL = 00: no wildcards in name or extension
             01: wildcards appeared
        DS:SI = pointer to first byte after parsed string
        ES:DI = unopened FCB
        AH = 2Ah
Return: DL = day
        DH = month
        CX = year
        AL = day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.)
        AH = 2Bh
        DL = day
        DH = month
        CX = year
Return: AL = 0 if no error
        AL = 0FFh if bad value sent to routine
        (DOS 3.3 also sets CMOS clock)
        (DESQview also accepts CX = 4445h and DX = 5351h, i.e. 'DESQ' as valid)
        AH = 2Ch
Return: CH = hours
        CL = minutes
        DH = seconds
        DL = hundredths of seconds
Note: time is updated approximately every 5/100 second
        AH = 2Dh
        CH = hours
        CL = minutes
        DH = seconds
        DL = hundredths of seconds
Return: AL = 0 if no error
        AL = 0ffH if bad value sent to routine
        (DOS 3.3 also sets CMOS clock)
INT 21 - Set Verify Flag
        AH = 2Eh
        DL = 0
        AL = 1 if VERIFY on
        AL = 0 if VERIFY off
INT 21 - Get Disk Transfer Area Address
        AH = 2Fh
Return: ES:BX = address of DTA
INT 21 - Get DOS Version
        AH = 30h
Return: AL = Major Version number
        AH = Minor Version number
        BH = OEM number
        BL:CX = 24-bit user number
        AH = 31h
        AL = exit code
        DX = program size, in paragraphs
        AH = 32h
        DL = drive number
            0 = default, 1 = A, etc.
Return: AL = 0FFh if invalid drive number, else
        DS:BX = address of drive parameter block.


DPBLOCK         STRUCT          ;OFFSET
DISK_OFFSET     DB      ?       ;  0.  drive number (0 = A, etc.)
UNIT_OFFSET     DB      ?       ;  1.  unit number within device driver
SECTOR_SIZE     DW      ?       ;  2.  number of bytes per sector
MAX_CLUSTER     DB      ?       ;  4.  largest sector number in cluster
                                ;      add one for number of sectors/cluster
LOG2_SECTORS    DB      ?       ;  5.  log base two of the cluster size
RESERVED        DW      ?       ;  6.  number of reserved (boot) sectors
FAT_COUNT       DB      ?       ;  8.  number of copies of the FAT
ROOT_COUNT      DW      ?       ;  9.  number of root directory entries
DATA_START      DW      ?       ; 11.  first data sector on medium
MAX_NUMBER      DW      ?       ; 13.  largest possible cluster number
                                ;      subtract one for number of data clusters
FAT_SECTORS     DB      ?       ; 15.  number of sectors in one FAT copy
ROOT_START      DW      ?       ; 16.  first sector of root directory
DEVICE_ADDR     DD      ?       ; 18.  address of device driver for this drive
DESCRIPTOR      DB      ?       ; 22.  media descriptor byte for medium
VALID_BYTE      DB      ?       ; 23.  0FFh indicates block must be rebuilt
NEXT_BLOCK      DD      ?       ; 24.  address of next device block in list


                IF      DOS2
DIR_START       DW      ?       ; 28.  starting cluster of current directory
                                ;      zero indicates the root directory
PATH_NAME       DB      64 DUP (?)
                                ; 30.  ASCIIZ current directory path string
                ELSE    DOS3
;               on my XT, this was always:
                DW      0
                DW      0FFFFh
        AH = 33h
        AL = subfunction
            00h Get
            01h Put
               DL = 0 for OFF or 1 for ON
            02h internal, called by PRINT.COM (DOS 3.1)
Return: DL = current BREAK setting if AL = 00h
            0 BREAK=OFF
            1 BREAK=ON
        AL = FFh if error
INT 21 - Internal - Return CritSectFlag Pointer
        AH = 34h
Return: ES:BX points to DOS "Critical Section Flag"
   When byte pointed to is zero, DOS is supposed to be
   safe to interrupt. NOT RELIABLE according to Chris Dunford.

   Examination of DOS 2.10 code in this area indicates that the
   byte immediately FOLLOWING this "Critical Section Flag" must
   be 00 to permit the PRINT.COM interrupt to be called.

   For DOS 3.0 and 3.1 (except COMPAQ DOS 3.0), the byte BEFORE
   the "Critical Section Flag" must be zero, and for COMPAQ DOS 3.0,
   the byte 01AAh before it must be zero.
INT 21 - Get Interrupt Vector
        AH = 35h
        AL = interrupt number
Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector
        AH = 36h
        DL = drive code (0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.)
Return: AX = number of sectors per cluster
             or 0FFFFh if invalid drive
        BX = number of available clusters
        CX = bytes per sector
        DX = total clusters
Note: multiply AX x CX x BX for free space on disk
      multiply AX x CX x DX for total disk space
INT 21 - Internal - switchar/availdev
        AH = 37h
        AL = subfunction
           0 Read switch character (returns current character in DL)
           1 Set switch character (specify new character in DL)
           2 (DOS 2.x only) Read device availability (as set by function AL=3)
           3 (DOS 2.x only) Set device availability, where:
             DL = 0 means /DEV/ must preceed device names
             DL <> 0 means /DEV/ need not preceed device names
Return: DL = Switch character (if AL=0 or 1)
             Device availability flag (if AL=2 or 3)
        AL=0FFh means the value in AL was not in the range 0-3.
INT 21 - Get Country-Dependent Information
        AH = 38h
  DOS 2.x
        AL = 0  get current-country info
        DS:DX = segment:offset of buffer for returned info
Return: BX = country code
        buffer at DS:DX filled as follows:
           bytes 0-1 = date format   0 = USA    mm dd yy
                                     1 = Europe dd mm yy
                                     2 = Japan  yy mm dd
           byte 2    = currency symbol
           byte 3    = 00h
           byte 4    = thousands separator char
           byte 5    = 00h
           byte 6    = decimal separator char
           byte 7    = 00h
           bytes 8-1Fh reserved

  DOS 3.x
        AL = 0 for current country
        AL = 01h thru 0FEh for specific country with code <255
        AL = 0FFh for specific country with code >= 255
           BX = 16-bit country code
        DS:DX = segment:offset of buffer for returned info
        DX = 0FFFFh if setting country code, rather than getting info
Return: (if DX <> 0FFFFh)
        BX = country code
        DS:DX filled in:
              bytes 0-1 = date format (see above)
              bytes 2-6 = currency symbol string, ASCIZ
              byte 7    = thousands seaprator char
              byte 8    = 00h
              byte 9    = decimal separator char
              byte 0Ah  = 00h
              byte 0Bh  = date separator char
              byte 0Ch  = 00h
              byte 0Dh  = time separator char
              byte 0Eh  = 00h
              byte 0Fh  = currency format
                           bit 1 = number of spaces between value and curr sym
                           bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value
                                   1 if currency symbol follows value
              byte 10h  = number of digits after decimal in currency
              byte 11h  = time format
                           bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock
                                   1 if 24-hour clock
              bytes 12h-15h = address of case map routine (FAR CALL)
              byte 16h  = data-list separator char
              byte 17h  = 00h
              bytes 18h-21h reserved
      If error:
        CF set
        AX = error code
        AH = 39h
        DS:DX = address of ASCIIZ pathname
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        AH = 3Ah
        DS:DX = address of ASCIIZ pathname
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        AH = 3Bh
        DS:DX = address of ASCIIZ directory name
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        AH = 3Ch
        CX = attributes for file
        DS:DX = address of ASCIZ filename
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = file handle
        AH = 3Dh
        AL = access code
            0 = Read Only
            1 = Write Only
            2 = Read/Write
        AL bits 7-3 = file-sharing modes (DOS 3.x)
            bit 7    = inheritance flag, set for no inheritance
            bits 4-6 = sharing mode
                      000 compatibility mode
                      001 exclusive (deny all)
                      010 write access denied (deny write)
                      011 read access denied (deny read)
                      100 full access permitted (deny none)
            bit 3    = reserved, should be zero
        DS:DX = address of ASCIZ filename
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = file handle
        AH = 3Eh
        BX = file handle
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        AH = 3Fh
        BX = file handle
        CX = number of bytes to read
        DS:DX = address of buffer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = number of bytes read
        AH = 40h
        BX = file handle
        CX = number of bytes to write
        DS:DX = pointer to buffer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = number of bytes written
        AH = 41h
        DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ name of file to delete
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        AH = 42h
        AL = method value
            0 = offset from beginning of file
            1 = offset from present location
            2 = offset from end of file
        BX = file handle
        CX:DX = offset in bytes
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            DX:AX = new offset
        AH = 43h
        AL =
            0 = get file attributes
            1 = put file attributes
               CX = file attribute bits
                   0 = read only
                   1 = hidden file
                   2 = system file
                   3 = volume label
                   4 = subdirectory
                   5 = written since backup
        DX = pointer to ASCIIZ file name
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code if any
        CX = file attributes on get
        AH = 44h
        AL =
           0 = Get device information (DX)
           1 = Set device information (DL, DH = 0)
               DX BITS =
                 0 = console input device
                 1 = console output device
                 2 = null device
                 3 = clock device
                 5 = binary mode
                 6 = EOF
                 7 = device is character device if set
                     if not, EOF = 0 if channel has been written
                     bits 0-5 are block device number
                12 = network device
                14 = can process control strings (AL=2-5, can only be read)
                15 reserved
           2 = Read CX bytes to DS:DX from BX control chan
           3 = Write CX bytes from DS:DX from BX control chan
           4 = as 2 but for drive BL
           5 = as 3 but for drive BL
               AX = number of bytes transfered
           6 = Get input status
           7 = Get output status
               AX = FFH for ready or 00h for not ready
           8 = Is block device BL changeable? (DOS 3)
               AX = 0 = yes
           9 = Is logical device BL local? (DOS 3)
               DX (attribute word) bit 12 (1000h) = 0 = yes
          10 = Is handle BX local? (DOS 3)
               DX (attribute word) bit 15 (8000h) = 0 = yes
          11 = Change sharing retry count to DX (def 3), (DOS 3.x)
               delay CX (def 1)
          12 = General IOCTL (DOS 3.3 [3.2?])
        BX = file handle (or BL = drive number w/0 = default)
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Create Duplicate Handle (DUP)
        AH = 45h
        BX = file handle to duplicate
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = new file handle
INT 21 - Force Duplicate Handle (FORCDUP) (DUP2)
        AH = 46h
        BX = Existing file handle
        CX = new file handle
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Get Current Directory
        AH = 47h
        DL = drive (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
        DS:SI points to 64-byte buffer area
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Allocate Memory
        AH = 48h
        BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
            BX = Maximum available
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = segment of allocated memory block
INT 21 - Free Memory
        AH = 49h
        ES = Segment address of area to be freed
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Adjust Block Size (SETBLOCK)
        AH = 4Ah
        ES = Segment address of block to change
        BX = New size in paragraphs
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
            BX = Maximum size possible for the block
INT 21 - Load or Execute (EXEC)
        AH = 4Bh
        AL = subfunction
            0 = load and execute program
            2 = load (Internal) but do not execute
            3 = load overlay; do not create PSP
        DS:DX = filename
        ES:BX = parameter block
               AL =
                0 => word segment environment pointer
                     dword command line pointer
                     dword FCB 1
                     dword FCB 2
                3 => word segment load address
                     word segment relocation factor
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code

struct exec {
        unsigned exec_magic;    /* 0x4d, 0x5a signature */
        unsigned exec_isr;      /* image size remainder (mod 512) */
        unsigned exec_size;     /* file size in pages (512) */
        unsigned exec_nrel;     /* number of relocation items */
        unsigned exec_hsize;    /* header size in paragraphs */
        unsigned exec_min;      /* minimum extra paragraphs */
        unsigned exec_max;      /* maximum extra paragraphs */
        unsigned exec_ss;       /* stack segment */
        unsigned exec_sp;       /* stack offset */
        unsigned exec_cksum;    /* word checksum of entire file */
        unsigned exec_pc;       /* initial pc */
        unsigned exec_cs;       /* code segment */
        unsigned exec_orel;     /* offset of relocation table */
        unsigned exec_ovno;     /* overlay number */
INT 21 - Quit With Exit Code (EXIT)
        AH = 4Ch
        AL = exit code
Return: never returns
        AH = 4Dh
Return: AL = exit code of subprogram (functions 31h or 4Ch)
        AH = circumstance which caused termination
            0 = Terminate/abort
            1 = Control-C
            2 = Hard error
            3 = Terminate and stay resident
        AH = 4Eh
        CX = search attributes
        DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ filename
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code if any
        (DTA) = data block
        AH = 4Fh
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        (DTA) = data block
INT 21 - Internal - Set PSP Segment
        AH = 50h
        BX = Segment address of new PSP
Note: under DOS 2.xx, this function cannot be invoked inside an INT 28h
INT 21 - Internal - Get PSP Segment
        AH = 51h
Return: BX = Current PSP Segment

struct psp {
        char psp_int20[2];      /* 00h: exit */
        unsigned psp_msize;     /* 02h: memory size in paragraphs */
        char psp_res0[1];       /* 04h: XXX (0) */
        char psp_dos[5];        /* 05h: far call to dos */
        int (*psp_term)();      /* 0ah: terminate address */
        unsigned psp_tseg;      /* 0ch: terminate segment */
        int (*psp_break)();     /* 0eh: break address */
        unsigned psp_bseg;      /* 10h: break segment */
        int (*psp_error)();     /* 12h: error address */
        unsigned psp_eseg;      /* 14h: error segment */
        unsigned psp_ppsp;      /* 16h: parent psp segment */
        char psp_ofile[20];     /* 18h: open files, 0xff = unused */
        unsigned psp_envp;      /* 2ch: environment segment */
        char psp_res2[4];       /* 2eh: XXX */
        int psp_nfiles;         /* 32h: max open files */
        char *psp_aofile;       /* 34h: ofile address */
        unsigned psp_aoseg;     /* 36h: ofile segment */
        char psp_res3[24];      /* 38h: XXX */
        char psp_int21[3];      /* 50h: int 21, far return */
        char psp_res4[2];       /* 53h: XXX */
        char psp_xfcb1[7];      /* 55h: FCB #1 extension */
        char psp_fcb1[9];       /* 5ch: FCB #1 */
        char psp_xfcb2[7];      /* 65h: FCB #2 extension */
        char psp_fcb2[20];      /* 6ch: FCB #2 */
        char psp_dma[128];      /* 80h: Command Tail */
Note: under DOS 2.xx, this function cannot be invoked inside an INT 28h
INT 21 - Internal - Get Disk List
        AH = 52h
Return: ES:BX points to DOS list of lists

List of Lists:
Bytes   Value
-2&-1   Segment of first memory control block
0-3     Pointer to first DOS disk block (see func 36h)
4-7     Partially Unknown. Pointer to a device driver. Maybe first
               resident driver?
8-B     Pointer to CLOCK$ device driver, whether installable or
C-F     Pointer to actual CON: device driver, whether installable
               or resident
-----DOS 2.x
10      Number of logical drives in system
11-12   Maximum bytes/block of any block device
13-16   unknown
17      Beginning (not a pointer. The real beginning!) of NUL device
           driver. This is the first device on DOS's linked list
           of device drivers.
-----DOS 3.x
10-11   Maximum bytes/block of any block device (0200h)
12-15   Unknown. Pointer to current directory block????
16-19   Partially Undefined: Pointer to array of drive info:
               51h bytes per drive, starting with A: ...
               00-3F Current path as ASCIIZ, starting with 'x:\'
               40-43 Unknown. I see zeros always
               44    Unknown. Flags? I see 40h, except for
                       entry after last valid entry = 00h
               45-48 Pointer to DOS Disk Block for this drive
               49-4A Unknown. Current track or block? -1 if never
               4B-4E Unknown. I see -1 always
               4F-52 Unknown. I see 2 always
1A-1D   Unknown. Pointer to data area, maybe including cluster
               allocation table?
1E-1F   Unknown. I see zero always
20      Number of block devices.
21      Value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS (default 5)
22      Beginning (not a pointer. The real beginning!) of NUL device
           driver. This is the first device on DOS's linked list
           of device drivers.
INT 21 - Internal - Translate BPB
        AH = 53h
        DS:SI points to BPB (Bios Parameter Block)
        ES:BP points to area for DOS Disk Block
Translates BPB (Bios Parameter Block, see below)
into a DOS Disk Block (see function call 32h).

Bytes   Value
0-1     Bytes/sector. Get from DDB bytes 2-3.
2       Sectors/cluster. Get from: (DDB byte 4) + 1
3-4     Reserved sectors. Get from: DDB bytes 6-7
5       Number of FATs. Get from: DDB byte 8
6-7     Number of root dir entries. Get from: DDB bytes 9-A
8-9     Total # of sectors. Get from: 
        ((DDB bytes D-E) - 1) * (sectors per cluster (BPB byte 2))
          + (DDB Bytes B-C)
A       Media descriptor byte. Get from: DDB byte 16
B-C     Number of sectors/FAT. Get from: DDB byte F
INT 21 - Get Verify Flag
        AH = 54h
Return: AL = 0 if flag OFF
        AL = 1 if flag ON
INT 21 - Internal - Create PSP
        AH = 55h
        DX = Segment number to set up PSP at
Note: Like FN 26h but creates "child" PSP rather than copying existing one.
        AH = 56h
        DS:DX = pointer to ASCIZ old name
        ES:DI = pointer to ASCIZ new name
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Get/Put Date/Time
        AH = 57h
        AL = function code
            0 = get date and time
            1 = set date and time
               CX = time to be set
               DX = date to be set
        BX = file handle
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CX = time of last write (if AL = 0)
        DX = date of last write (if AL = 0)
INT 21 - Get/Set allocation strategy (DOS 3.x)
        AH = 58h
        AL = function code
            0 = get allocation strategy
            1 = set allocation strategy
               BL = strategy code
                   0 first fit (use first memory block large enough)
                   1 best fit (use smallest memory block large enough)
                   2 last fit (use high part of last usable memory block)
Return: CF = 1 error
            AX = Error Code
        CF = 0 successful
            AX = strategy code
Note: the Set subfunction accepts any value in BL; 2 or greater means last fit.
      the Get subfunction returns the last value set, so programs should check
      whether the value is >= 2, not just equal to 2.
        AH = 59h
        BX = version code (0000 for DOS 3.0)
Return: AX = extended error code
        BH = class of error
        BL = suggested action code
        CH = locus (where error occurred)
Error codes:
        01 function number invalid
        02 file not found
        03 path not found
        04 too many open files
        05 access denied
        06 invalid handle
        07 memory control block destroyed
        08 insufficient memory
        09 memory block address invalid
        0A environment invalid
        0B format invalid
        0C access code invalid
        0D data invalid
        0F invalid drive
        10 attempted to remove current directory
        11 not same device
        12 no more files
        13 disk write-protected
        14 unknown unit
        15 drive not ready
        16 unknown command
        17 data error (CRC)
        18 bad request structure length
        19 seek error
        1A unknwon media type
        1B sector not found
        1C printer out of paper
        1D write fault
        1E read fault
        1F general failure
        20 sharing violation
        21 lock violation
        22 disk change invalid
        23 FCB unavailable
        24-31 reserved
        32 Network request not supported (DOS 3.1 + MS Networks)
        33 Remote computer not listening
        34 Duplicate name on network
        35 Network name not found
        36 Network busy
        37 Network device no longer exists
        38 Network BIOS command limit exceeded
        39 Network adapter hardware error
        3A Incorrect response from network
        3B Unexpected network error
        3C Incompatible remote adapter
        3D Print queue full
        3E Queue not full
        3F Not enough space to print file
        40 Network name was deleted
        41 Network: Access denied
        42 Network device type incorrect
        43 Network name not found
        44 Network name limit exceeded
        45 Network BIOS session limit exceeded
        46 Temporarily paused
        47 Network request not accepted
        48 Print/disk redirection paused (DOS 3.1 + MS Networks)
        49-4F reserved
        50 file exists
        51 reserved
        52 cannot make directory
        53 fail on INT 24h
Error Classes:
        01 out of resource
        02 temporary situation
        03 authorization (denied access)
        04 internal
        05 hardware failure
        06 system failure
        07 application program error
        08 not found
        09 bad format
        0A locked
        0B media error
        0C already exists
        0D unknown
Suggested Action:
        01 retry
        02 delayed retry
        03 prompt user
        04 abort after cleanup
        05 immediate abort
        06 ignore
        07 retry after user intervention
Error Locus:
        01 unknown or not appropriate
        02 block device
        03 network related
        04 serial device
        05 memory related
        AH = 5Ah
        DS:DX = pointer to ASCIZ directory path name
        CX = file attribute
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code if any
        DS:DX = path name
Note: The file created is not truly "temporary".  It MUST be removed
      by the user.
        AH = 5Bh
        DS:DX = pointer to ASCIZ directory path name
        CX = file attribute
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code if any
        DS:DX = path name
Note: Unlike function 3Ch, function 5Bh will fail if the file already
        AH = 5Ch
        AL = 0 if lock
             1 if unlock
        BX = file handle
        CX:DX = starting offset of region to lock
        SI:DI = size of region to lock
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Internal - Get address of critical error flag
        AX = 5D06h
Return: DS:SI = pointer to critical error flag
        CX = ???
        DX = ???
Note: this call also does a lot of other work in addition to returning
   the pointer
INT 21 - Internal - Unknown
        AH = 5Dh
        AL = subfunction
             07h: ???
             08h: (used by COMMAND.COM)
             09h: (used by COMMAND.COM)
INT 21 - Get Machine Name (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5E00h
        DS:DX -> buffer for ASCIIZ name
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CH = 0 if name not defined
        CL = NETBIOS name number
        DS:DX -> pointer to identifier if CH <> 0
INT 21 - Set Printer Setup (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5E02h
        BX = Redirection list index
        CX = length of setup string <= 64
        DS:SI -> string buffer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Get Printer Setup (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5E03h
        BX = Redirection list index
        ES:DI -> string buffer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        CX = length of setup string <= 64
INT 21 - Get Redirection List Entry (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5F02h
        BX = Redirection list index
        DS:SI -> 16 char local device name buffer
        ES:DI -> 128 char network name buffer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
        BH = Device status flag (BIT 0 = 0 if valid)
        BL = device type (03 if printer, 04 if drive)
        CX = stored parameter value
Note: DX and BP are destroyed by this call!
INT 21 - Redirect Device (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5F03h
        BL = device type
                03 = printer device
                04 = file device
        CX = stored parameter value
        DS:SI -> source device name
        ES:DI -> destination ASCIIZ network path + ASCIIZ password
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Cancel Redirection (DOS 3.1 + Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 5F04h
        DS:SI -> device name or network path
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 21 - Internal - Resolve path string to fully qualified path string
        AH = 60h
        DI:SI = relative path strings
        ES:DI = buffer for fully qualified name
Return: buffer filled with qualified name
        may return error code, unknown.
INT 21 - Internal - Unused (DOS 3.x)
        AH = 61h
Return: AL = 0
        AH = 62h
Return: BX = segment address of PSP
INT 21 - GET LEAD BYTE TABLE (DOS 2.25 only)
        AH = 63h
        AL = subfunction
             0 = get system lead byte table
             1 = set/clear interim console flag
                DL = 1/0 to set/clear interim console flag
             2 = get interim console flag
Return: DS:SI -> lead byte table (AL = 0)
        DL = interim console flag (AL = 2)
INT 21 - Internal - unknown (DOS 3.3)
        AH = 64h
        AH = 65h
        AL = info ID (1 - 6)
        BX = code page (-1=global code page)
        DX = country ID (-1=current country)
        ES:DI = pointer to country information buffer
        CX = size of buffer
Return: AX = error code if carry set, otherwise
        CX = size of country information returned
        ES:DI = pointer to country information:
               1 BYTE info ID
               if info ID <> 1
                  1 DWORD pointer to information
               if info ID == 1
                  1 WORD size
                  1 WORD country ID
                  1 WORD code page
                 34 BYTE see function 38h
        AH = 66h
        AL = 00h get global code page
             Return: AX = error code if carry flag set
                     BX = active code page
                     DX = system code page
           = 01h set global page
             BX = active code page
             DX = system code page (active page at boot time)
             Return: AX = error code if carry flag set
        AH = 67h
        BX = desired number of handles (max 255)
Return: Carry clear if ok
        Carry set if error (and error code in AX)
        AH = 68h
        BX = file handle
Return: carry flag set on error (and error code in AX)
INT 21 - DoubleDos -
        AX = E400h
Return: AL <> 0 if DoubleDos is active
INT 21 - DoubleDos - Turn off Task Switching
        AH = EAh
Return: task switching turned off
INT 21 - DoubleDos - Turn on Task Switching
        AH = EBh
Return: task switching turned on
INT 21 - DoubleDos - Get Virtual Screen Address
        AH = ECh
Return: ES = segment of virtual screen
Note: Screen address can change if task-switching is on!!
INT 21 - DoubleDos - Give away time to other tasks
        AH = EEh
        AL = number of 55ms time slices to give away
Return: returns after giving away time slices
INT 21 - CED installable commands
        AH = 0FFh
           AL = 0 add installable command
             BL = mode - bit 0 = 1 callable from DOS prompt
                         bit 1 = 1 callable from application
             DS:SI pointer to CR-terminated command name
             ES:DI pointer to FAR routine entry point
           AL = 1 remove installable command
             DS:SI pointer to CR-terminated command name
           AL = 2 reserved, may be used to test for CED installation
Return: CF set on error
            AX = 01h invalid function
                 02h command not found (subfunction 1 only)
                 08h insufficient memory (subfunction 0 only)
                 0Eh bad data (subfunction 0 only)
        AH = 0FFh if CED not installed
   FAR (DWORD) address of routine to be executed when program
   "returns to DOS".  Should NEVER be called directly.
   Automatically called from keyboard scanner when CTRL-C or
   CTRL-BREAK is detected. Normally aborts program and returns
   to DOS, but may be changed.
   Automatically called upon detection of unrecoverable
   disk error. Normally prints "Abort, Retry, or Ignore?" message
   and takes the reply, but may be changed if desired.

Provides the following values in registers on entry to interrupt handler:
        AH: bit 7 = 0 disk I/O error
                  = 1 other error -- if block device, bad FAT
                                  -- if char device, code in DI
            bit 6  unused
            bit 5 = 1 if Ignore allowed, 0 if not (DOS 3.2?)
            bit 4 = 1 if Retry allowed, 0 if not (DOS 3.2?)
            bit 3 = 1 if Fail allowed, 0 if not (DOS 3.2+)
            bit 2 \ disk area of error  00 = DOS area  01 = FAT
            bit 1 /                     10 = root dir  11 = data area
            bit 0 = 1 if write, 0 if read
        AL = drive number if AH bit 7 = 1, otherwise undefined
        BP:SI = address of device header for which error occurred
            block device if high bit of BP:SI+4 = 1
        low byte of DI:
           00h write-protect error
           01h unknown unit
           02h drive not ready
           03h unknown command
           04h data error (bad CRC)
           05h bad request structure length
           06h seek error
           07h unknown media type
           08h sector not found
           09h printer out of paper
           0Ah write fault
           0Bh read fault
           0Ch general failure
           0Fh invalid disk change (DOS 3.x)
Handler must return
        AL = 00 ignore error
           = 01 retry operation
           = 02 terminate program through INT 22h
           = 03 fail system call in progress (DOS 3.2+)
        AL = Drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc)
        DS:BX = Disk Transfer Address (buffer)
        CX = Number of sectors to read
        DX = First relative sector to read
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AL = error code issued to INT 24h in low half of DI
            AH = 80h if attachment failed to respond
                 40h if seek operation failed
                 20h if controller failed
                 10h if data error (bad CRC)
                 08h if DMA failure
                 04h if requested sector not found
                 03h if write-protected disk
                 02h if bad address mark
                 01h if bad command
        AL = Drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc)
        DS:BX = Disk Transfer Address (buffer)
        CX = Number of sectors to write
        DX = First relative sector to write
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AL = error code issued to INT 24h in low half of DI
            AH = same error codes as for INT 25h
        CS = current program segment
        DX = last program byte + 1
INT 28 - Internal - Keyboard Busy Loop
   This interrupt is called from inside the "get input from keyboard"
   routine in DOS, if and only if it is safe to use INT 21 to access
   the disk at that time. It is used primarily by the PRINT.COM 
   routines and TSR programs, but any number of other routines could
   be chained to it by saving the original vector, and calling it
   with a FAR call (or just JMPing to it) at the end of the new

   The INT 28h handler may invoke any INT 21h function except functions
   00h through 0Ch (and 50h/51h under DOS 2.xx).

   Until some program installs its own routine, this interrupt vector
   simply points to an IRET opcode.
INT 29 - Internal - Fast Putchar
   This interrupt is called from the DOS output routines if output
   is going to a device rather than a file, and the device driver's
   attribute word has bit 3 (04h) set to "1".
INT 2A - Network Installation Check (Microsoft Networks)
        AH = 00h
Return: AH <> 0 if installed
INT 2A - Check Direct I/O (Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 0300h
        DS:SI -> ASCIIZ disk device name
Return: CF == 0 if allowed
INT 2A - Execute NETBIOS (Microsoft Networks)
        AH = 04h
        AL = 0 for error retry, 1 for no retry
        ES:BX -> NCB
Return: AX = 0 for no error
        AH = 1, AL = error code
INT 2A - Get Network Resource Information (Microsoft Networks)
        AX = 0500h
Return: AX = reserved
        BX = number of network names
        CX = number of commands
        DX = number of sessions
INT 2A - Unknown
        AH = 82h
Return: ???
Note: Called by the INT 21h function dispatcher in DOS 3.10
INT 2B - Internal routine for MSDOS (IRET)
INT 2C - Internal routine for MSDOS (IRET)
INT 2D - Internal routine for MSDOS (IRET)
INT 2E - Internal - Execute Command
        ES:SI -> counted CR-terminated command string

The top-level command.com executes the command; all registers
are destroyed as in exec.
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Installation Check
        AX = 0100h
Return: AL =
            FFh installed
            01h not installed, not OK to install
            00h not installed, OK to install
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Submit file
        AX = 0101h
        DS:DX -> packet of one byte level and DWORD file pointer
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Remove file
        AX = 0102h
        DS:DX -> file name (wildcards allowed)
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Remove all files
        AX = 0103h
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Hold queue/Get status
        AX = 0104h
Return: CF = 1 if error
            AX = Error Code
                01h function invalid
                02h file not found
                03h path not found
                04h too many open files
                05h access denied
                08h queue full
                09h spooler busy
                0Ch name too long
                0Fh drive invalid
        DX = Error count
        DS:SI -> print queue (null-string terminated
                 list of 64-byte ASCIZ file names)
INT 2F - Multiplexor - PRINT Restart queue
        AX = 0105h
Return: Flag CF = 1 if error
        AX = Error Code if any
INT 2F - Multiplexor - ASSIGN Installation Check
        AX = 0600h
Return: AH <> 0 if installed
INT 2F - Multiplexor - ASSIGN
        AX = 0601h XXX
INT 2F - Multiplexor - MSDOS Internal
        AH = 10h XXX
INT 2F - Multiplexor - MSDOS Internal
        AH = 11h XXX
INT 2F - Multiplexor - MSDOS Internal
        AH = 12h XXX
INT 2F - Multiplexor - APPEND Installation Check
        AX = B700h
Return: AH <> 0 if installed
INT 2F - Multiplexor - APPEND
        AX = B701h XXX
INT 2F - Multiplexor - Network Program Installation Check
        AX = B800h
Return: AH <> 0 if installed
INT 2F - Multiplexor - Get Current Post Address
        AX = B803h
Return: ES:BX = post address
INT 2F - Multiplexor - Set New Post Address
        AX = B804h
        ES:BX = new post address
INT 30 -> (NOT A VECTOR!) FAR jump instruction for CP/M-style calls
INT 31
INT 32 -> not used
INT 40 -> Relocated (by fixed disk) Floppy Handler (original INT 13h)
INT 41 -> Fixed Disk Params
        dw      cylinders
        db      heads
        dw      0
        dw      write pre-comp
        db      0
        db      0 "control byte"
        db      0, 0, 0
        dw      landing zone
        db      sectors/track
        db      0
INT 42 -> Relocated (by EGA) Video Handler (original INT 10h)
INT 43 -> EGA Initialization Params
INT 44 -> EGA/PCjr fonts
INT 45 -> reserved
INT 46 -> Secondary Fixed Disk Params (see INT 41h)
INT 47 -> reserved
INT 48 -> PCjr Cordless Keyboard Translation
INT 49 -> PCjr Non-keyboard Scan Code Translation Table
INT 4A -> AT User Alarm
INT 4B -> reserved
INT 4C -> reserved
INT 4D -> reserved
INT 4E -> reserved
INT 4F -> reserved
INT 50-57 -> IRQ0-IRQ7 relocated by DESQview
INT 58 -> reserved
INT 59 -> reserved
INT 5A -> reserved
INT 5B -> reserved
INT 5C - NETBIOS interface
        ES:BX -> Network Control Block
INT 5D -> reserved
INT 5E -> reserved
INT 5F -> reserved
INT 60-67 -> reserved for user interrupts
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Manager Status
        AH = 40h
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested by application
Note: this call can be used only after establishing that the EMS driver
      is in fact present
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Page Frame Segment
        AH = 41h
Return: AH = 00h function successful
            BX = segment of page frame
        AH = error code (see AH=40h above)
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Number of Pages
        AH = 42h
Return: AH = 00h function successful
            BX = number of unallocated pages
            DX = total number of pages
        AH = error code (see AH=40h above)
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Handle and Allocate Memory
        AH = 43h
        BX = number of logical pages to allocate
Return: AH = status
            00h function successful
                DX = handle
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested
            85h no more handles available
            87h more pages requested than physically exist
            88h more pages requested than currently available
            89h zero pages requested
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Map Memory
        AH = 44h
        AL = physical page number (0-3)
        BX = logical page number
        DX = handle
Return: AH = status
            00h function successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            8Ah invalid logical page number
            8Bh illegal physical-page number
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Release Handle and Memory
        AH = 45h
        DX = EMM handle
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            86h error in save or restore of mapping context
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get EMM Version
        AH = 46h
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
                AL = EMM version number
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Save Mapping Context
        AH = 47h
        DX = handle
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            8Ch page-mapping hardware state save area is full
            8Dh save of mapping context failed
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Restore Maping Context
        AH = 48h
        DX = handle
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            8Eh restore of mapping context failed
INT 67 - LIM EMS - reserved
        AH = 49h
Note: defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2
INT 67 - LIM EMS - reserved
        AH = 4Ah
Note: defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Number of EMM Handles
        AH = 4Bh
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
                BX = number of EMM handles
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Pages Owned by Handle
        AH = 4Ch
        DX = EMM handle
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
                BX = number of logical pages
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get Pages for All Handles
        AH = 4Dh
        ES:DI = pointer to array to receive information
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
                BX = number of active EMM handles
                array filled with 2-word entries, consisting of a handle
                  and the number of pages allocated to that handle
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested
INT 67 - LIM EMS - Get or Set Page Map
        AH = 4Eh
        AL = 00h if getting mapping registers
             01h if setting mapping registers
             02h if getting and setting mapping registers at once
             03h if getting size of page-mapping array
        DS:SI = pointer to array holding information (AL=01/02)
        ES:DI = pointer to array to receive information (AL=00/02)
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
                AL = bytes in page-mapping array (subfunction 03h only)
                array pointed to by ES:DI receives mapping info (AL=00/02)
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested
            8Fh undefined subfunction parameter
            A3h contents of source array corrupted (EMS 4.0?)
Note: this function was designed to be used by multitasking operating systems
      and should not ordinarily be used by appplication software.
INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - Get/Set Partial Page Map
        AH = 4Fh
        AL = subfunction
            00h get partial page map
               DS:SI = pointer to structure containing list of segments whose
                       mapping contexts are to be saved
               ES:DI = pointer to array to receive page map
            01h set partial page map
               DS:SI = pointer to structure containing saved partial page map
            02h get size of partial page map
               BX = number of mappable segments in the partial map to be saved
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            84h undefined function requested
            8Bh one of specified segments is not mappable
            8Fh undefined subfunction parameter
            A3h contents of partial page map corrupted or count of mappable
                segments exceeds total number of mappable segments in system
        AL = size of partial page map for subfunction 02h
INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages
        AH = 50h
        AL = subfunction
        DX = handle
        CX = number of entries in array
        DS:SI = pointer to mapping array
Return: AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            8Ah one or more logical pages are invalid
            8Bh one or more physical pages are invalid
            8Fh invalid subfunction
INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - Reallocate Pages
        AH = 51h
        DX = handle
        BX = number of pages to be allocated to handle
Return: BX = actual number of pages allocated to handle
        AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            87h more pages requested than present in system
            88h more pages requested than currently available
INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - Get/Set Handle Attributes
        AH = 52h
        AL = subfunction
            00h get handle attributes
            01h set handle attributes
               BL = new attribute (see returned AL)
            02h get attribute capability
        DX = handle
Return: AL = attribute (for subfunction 00h)
            00h handle is volatile
            01h handle is nonvolatile
        AL = attribute capability (for subfunction 02h)
            00h only volatile handles supported
            01h both volatile and non-volatile supported
        AH = status
            00h successful
            80h internal error
            81h hardware malfunction
            83h invalid handle
            84h undefined function requested
            8Fh undefined subfunction
            90h undefined attribute type
            91h feature not supported
INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - Get/Set Handle Name
Append part 3 here.

{harvard,uunet,ucbvax}!b.gp.cs.cmu.edu!ralf -=-=- AT&T: (412)268-3053 (school) 
ARPA: RALF@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU |"Tolerance means excusing the mistakes others make.
FIDO: Ralf Brown at 129/31 | Tact means not noticing them." --Arthur Schnitzler
BITnet: RALF%B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU@CMUCCVMA -=-=- DISCLAIMER? I claimed something?