[comp.sys.ibm.pc] AT Technical Reference Manual Wanted

paul+@andrew.cmu.edu (Paul J. Dujmich) (12/15/87)

I would like to purchase a used "Technical Reference Manual" for the IBM AT

Paul  (412) 2682646  or send computer mail.

luis@grinch.UUCP (luis) (12/19/87)

In article <sVl3rKzM2k-0yUE09h@andrew.cmu.edu> paul+@andrew.cmu.edu (Paul J. Dujmich) writes:
>I would like to purchase a used "Technical Reference Manual" for the IBM AT
>Paul  (412) 2682646  or send computer mail.

Same goes for me!!  If anyone has an AT Tech Ref Manual, and wants to get
rid of it, please let me know...  There are two version out on the tech
ref (have seen both), and I am interested in the large tech ref, not the
revised edition (or whatever it is called)...  Anyway, if you have a
tech ref, no matter which, and want to get rid of it, please let me know.

Other manuals I am looking for also include: DOS 3.1 Tech Ref (Or later),
  AT Hardware Maintenance And Service (if it exists... I know the PC's and
  XT's have them)...
Well, that's about it...  So, please let me know which manual you have,
and what you are asking...  Thank You for your time....

Luis Chanu  /  Awesome Possum         "Live every day as if it were your last,
                                         because one day you will be right."
UUCP: ...ihnp4!sun!aeras!grinch!luis                            -Benny Hill
UUCP: ...pyramid!wjvax!grinch!luis
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