gsk@khaki (12/29/87)
i posted a query about dot-matrix graphics standards a month or two ago. this note summarizes the replies i received and my own conclusions on the matter. thanks to those who replied! this was the original request: i'd like to hear net people's opinions about the relative importance of various dot matrix graphics standards. i'd like to maximize the compatiblity of my programs with all the installed dot matrix printers in the world and, at the same time, minimize time spent implementing each manufacturer's graphics formats. here are my conclusions: it turns out that the Epson FX series and the IBM Proprinter series are genetically related, and they share a common core of graphics escape sequences. further, more than 90% of current-model dot-matrix printers support this common core, either directly or through emulation modes that are set with DIP switches or escape sequences. thus, i expect that software with modest aspirations will do very well implementing only this one standard. (if you disagree with this statement, please let me know) in the world of laser printers, the same can be said of the HP Laserjet. note well that this discussion is only concerned with raster graphics, not with any wider compatibility issues. here are condensed versions of all the replies to my query: 1) Tom Reingold Actually, I think you have reason to be optimistic. There is a standard called IBM Graphics which is pretty common. A lot of printers use this, or make it available in different ways. To get a good list of printers that people use a lot, go into the install facility in Lotus 1-2-3 and see the list there. Tom Reingold INTERNET: Bell Communications Research UUCP: <backbone>!bellcore!tr 435 South St room 2L350 SOUNDNET: (201) 829-4622 [work] Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 287-2345 [home] 2) Edward Vielmetti Check out the recent PC Magazine printer issue. Almost every printer in it emulates one or another of the following: 9-pin: epson fx, ibm proprinter 24-pin: epson lq, toshiba laser: hp laserjet, postscript If you get these 6 - or just 4 for dot printers, and postscript is quite different from the others - you'll be well set. From: sun!!emv (Edward Vielmetti) Postal-Address: Computing Center, 1075 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor MI 48109 Phone: (313) 747-3744 3) Bill Dunn dont forget about C. Itoh 8510 series (which has the same codes as a NEC 8550?, or some other NEC). I know quite a few people with these type of printers. Bill Dunn - ihnp4!ihlpf!dunn hope some of you find this useful. George S. Kong, Silicon Graphics, Inc., (415)962-3281 ...{decwrl,allegra,sun,adobe,ucbvax,pyramid,ames}!sgi!gsk