[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Request for various shareware/public domain programs.

kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins) (01/09/88)

     Does anyone have the latest version (if no version number is
given) of the following programs, in a form that can be
distributed according to the author's wishes. I would be most 
grateful to have copies of them either sent to me via email or posted
to the net.

     1) Still River Shell v2.1	This is a DOS shell.
     2) QFiler v?.? 		File-handling program.
     3) HELPDOS v?.?		Command-line or menu based help utility.
     4) Master Key v1.7		DOS shell.
     5) QEdit v?.?		Text editor.
     6) NewSweep-PC v?.?	File-handling program.
     7) PC-Prompt v?.?		Real time DOS command line syntax checker.
     8) Disk Commando v?.?	Shareware version of Norton Utilities.
     9) DEsk Commando v?.?	File management. Includes disk re-optimizer.
    10) Disk Navigator v?.?	DOS shell.
    11) WAMPUM v?.?		dBASE prgramming langauge implementation.
    12) File Commando v?.?	File management utilities.
    13) DOSamatic v2.0		DOS shell. (Can also UNFORMAT a formatted disk.)
    14) TShell v1.1		DOS shell.
    15) PC-DOS Help v?.?	DOS help utility.
    16) PC-Style v?.?		Checks writting style of a document.
    17) File Manager v?.?	File management.
    18) Cweep v?.?		 "       "
    19) PC-Sweep v?.?		 "       "
    20) Automenu v3.1		DOS Shell.
    21) Masterkey v?.?		Hard disk utility (unDEL for hard disk).
    22) Visible Pascal v1.?	Compiler and interactive debugger.
    23) Homebase v2.0		Sidekick clone.
    24) WSMX80 v4.1		Printer utilities/enhancements for Wordstar.

     I know it seems to be a large list, but it has taken a while to compile.
I hope others on the Net will find something useful in this list.	

     Thanks to all who help.

     Kevin Hoskins