[comp.sys.ibm.pc] A database with a spreadsheet on top?

stig@cwi.nl (Stig F Mjolsnes) (01/22/88)

Keywords:software, database, spreadsheet, integration


I am searching for a relational database-system that has
a spreadsheet on top of it.  It should be a true db-system,
that can have several files open and link them, and it should
be able to send queries, simple and more complex, from the
spreadsheet to the database directly, and have the result
displayed in correct format in the spreadsheet to be 
processed later on.  The database should be able to hold
at least 10 MByte worth of data, maybe more.

Maybe someone is using such a beast already in the environment
I am thinking of; PC with MSDOS.  It sure would be nice if 
it is possible to customize the software by linking say
C or Pascal routines in some manner.  

Hints and experiences are appreciated!