[comp.sys.ibm.pc] MSKERMIT.INI FOR 2.3 VT100 EMULATION

jimb@tekigm2.TEK.COM (Jim Boland) (01/29/88)

This file is a startup file for MSVIBM version 2.3 which was posted
recently.  It does nothing more than define the keypad and function
keys to emulate the VT100 keypad sequences.  I have the new keyboard
with the function keys across the top, therefore I used keys F9-F12
for the arrow keys.  The keycodes for the other keys are commented
so that you can use others if you have the old style keyboard or prefer
other keys.
This works fine for using EDT on mainframes and using the keypad correctly.

Note:  This is for kermit version 2.3 only.  It will not work for earlier
Save this as mskermit.ini.
------------------------cut here----------------------------------------
; mskermit.ini
; kermit v2.3
set def C:
set port 1
set baud 9600
set terminal color 10,37,44
set terminal cursor-style block
;       Define PE Editor for   VT100 Terminal Emulation
;                       ; VT100       PC Key         
;                       ;-------    ---------    
SET KEY \339 \27On   ; KP .        Del  .         
SET KEY \338 \27Op   ; KP 0        INS  0  
SET KEY \335 \27Oq   ; KP 1        Key  1      
SET KEY \336 \27Or   ; KP 2        Key  2     
SET KEY \337 \27Os   ; KP 3        Key  3  
SET KEY \331 \27Ot   ; KP 4        Key  4  
SET KEY \332 \27Ou   ; KP 5        Key  5   
SET KEY \333 \27Ov   ; KP 6        Key  6 
SET KEY \327 \27Ow   ; KP 7        Key  7  
SET KEY \328 \27Ox   ; KP 8        Key  8 
SET KEY \329 \27Oy   ; KP 9        Key  9 
SET KEY \334 \27OM   ; KP ENTER    Key + 
SET KEY \330 \27Om   ; KP -        Key - 
SET KEY \311 \27Ol   ; KP ,        Key * 
SET KEY \315 \27OP   ; K PF1       F1  
SET KEY \316 \27OQ   ; K PF2       F2   
SET KEY \317 \27OR   ; K PF3       F3  
SET KEY \318 \27OS   ; K PF4       F4  
SET KEY \323 \27[A   ; UP ARROW    F9
SET KEY \324 \27[B   ; DOWN ARROW  F10
SET KEY \390 \27[C   ; RIGHT ARROW F11
SET KEY \389 \27[D   ; LEFT ARROW  F12
;SET KEY \319                         F5
;SET KEY \320                         F6
;SET KEY \321                         F7
;SET KEY \322                         F8