matt@iquery.UUCP (Matt Reedy) (02/03/88)
Has anyone successfully used the assembly language interface to IBM's compiled BASIC 2.0 ISAM, as documented in their _BASIC_Compiler_Fundamentals_ manual? We are writing a C program to call ISAM, and have been unable to get ISAM to do anything. Per the manual, we are calling ISAM in the following sequence: Int 21, function 92h, AL = 15 (ICONTROL) function 4 (initialize ISAM) Int 21, function 92h, AL = 0 (IOPEN) open file for read only (this function returns 0 in AX - supposedly the "handle" used by ISAM) Int 21, function 92h, AL = 2 (ISEEK) mode 0 (first key in set), using the handle returned by function 0 above. (at this point ISAM goes off into never-never land and a cold reboot is required). Is there something we are missing in initialization or somewhere else? Any help will be greatly appreciated. matt Matthew Reedy {adelie,petro}!iquery!matt Programmed Intelligence Corp. (512) 822 8703 830 NE Loop 410, Suite 412 "just ONE MORE compile...." San Antonio, TX 78209-1209