[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help. Need some docs for DCP on PC.

shapiro@pdp.cs.OHIOU.EDU (brian shapiro) (02/08/88)

Recently downloaded DCP from the archives at RPICICGE via bitnet. The only
thing missing was any form of serious documentation. I could find only
referrences to looking at the source code to figure out how to make it work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Brian Shapiro, Ohio University Computing  and  Learning Services
Haning Hall, Athens, Ohio 45701   (614) 593-1608
BITNET: shapirob@ouaccvma                 CSNET: shapiro@pdp.cs.ohiou.edu
UUCP:   ihnp4!cbosgd!cbdkc1!oucs!shapiro  FidoNET : net 226 node 60