[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ProComm Plus Delivered

ANDERSON@VMS3.MACC.WISC.EDU (Jess Anderson) (02/12/88)

Glory be!  In the morning mail, the long-awaited
ProComm Plus.  I sent in my upgrade money way back
in October, and (if they're nice) Datastorm is
probably going in FIFO order.  At any rate, it's
here.  I'll report first impressions after I have

==INTERNET: anderson@vms.macc.wisc.edu====Jess Anderson======(home:)========
| UUCP: {harvard,rutgers,allegra,ucbvax}  1210 W. Dayton     2838 Stevens  |
|  !uwvax!vms3.macc.wisc.edu!anderson     Madison, WI 53706  Madison 53705 |
==BITNET: anderson@wiscmacc===============608/263-6988=======608/238-4833===